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The War Against the Working Class II

Peter Critchley

Updated: Jan 12

Kier Starmer today said there is no need for a national public enquiry, since we have had a number of enquiries already. It is outright denial. He also claims that those raising the issue are jumping on the ‘far right’ bandwagon. Not that Starmer would ever jump on any bandwagon, or take the knee or anything. They are what they say you are.

Starmer's choice of words today - 'bandwagon of the far right' – were a calculated spit in the face to those raising concerns over the mass rape of girls. It was quite deliberate. There are people who think he is politically inept and wooden. He may well be. But there is more than that going on here. We have seen the same language from other Western leaders.

This was a deliberate attempt to smear people raising legitimate concerns. It is done on every other issue. These insults are used to silence and cower decent people on the receiving end of this war of attrition being waged upon them. It has worked in the past. If it works in this case – in face of the rape, torture, and murder of little girls – then in all candour I have to say the nation is dead already. Cowards don’t deserve to survive. Keir Starmer is the Prime Minister of the UK, yet chose to hurl schoolyard abuse at people raising legitimate concerns.


There is no 'far right bandwagon' – although such cretinous politics could be designed to bring one about. This is about the tens of thousands of white working girls who were offered up for rape and abuse in order to protect 'community cohesion'.


It’s a stain on the country that so many have remained silent for so long, and not sent the entire establishment packing. But I said the same thing on Hillsborough. Having seen it all before, and seen justice undone, I can only say it is now or never for the British people. You are being treated like scum. If you don’t have what it takes to reclaim your sovereign power now, then you deserve the fate you have abandoned others too for far too long.


As for Starmer, Rotherham victim Sammy Woodhouse is right: ‘He’s a despicable man.’ He’s not the only one.


He offers lazy tropes spitting in the face of rape victims. But it’s more than that.

When Starmer says "Far Right", this is what he means: he is out to destroy your family, your community, social relations, our inherited moral, historical, and social ecosystems. Every policy and decision is done to undermine British families, so that the country can be divvied up and sold to the highest bidder. It is being done all across the Western world.


‘There is no plan to fix anything because the plan was to destroy everything.’


These people are many things. They are not incompetent. Wise up. It’s transparent now. You have no excuse for not seeing the patently obvious.


Rather than allow yourself to be provoked into outrage by these people, remain cool and clear-headed, and see how void of substance and weak they are. They gave nothing to offer, which is why they turn to force and fraud. The accusations of ‘far right’ and ‘racism’ have been used to bury, silence, and suppress this scandal since ever. They are still doing it. Starmer in effect claims that anyone who is demanding a new inquiry into how the rape gang issue was handled is part of the ‘far-right.’ He is trying to turn this outrage into a threat against MP Jess Phillips – he is transparent and desperate. He just seeks to silence, and evade responsibility. This is what he does. He did it over the brutal murder of little children in Southport. He brands people who stand up and say they are concerned about the impacts of mass migration as far right extremists. In so doing, he just breeds more resentment amongst working people.

You have to decide is whether stoking that division is deliberate, cack-handed incompetence, or sheer emptiness on the part of a morally, socially, and financially bankrupt ruling class.

If wanting to know who was responsible for allowing the gang rape of more than 250,000 white British children makes me 'far right', then so be it. At this rate, political fear is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. I saw the people of Kirkby, four miles from my birthplace and home town, branded as ‘far right’ and racist for wanting to protect their own. Kirkby is one of the most deprived towns in the UK, a solid Labour seat – yet the people were branded ‘far right.’ I know the place and the people well, and they are not ‘far right.’

The first thing to note here is just how predictable Starmer’s response has been. It is the response that any of these leaders in the kakistocracy could have made – attach an abusive label to scare people away and cow them into silence. It’s not clever. It’s not Machiavellian. It’s schoolground politics, worthy of eight year olds. By labelling the many millions of people in Britain who are upset and outraged about the mass rape of their children as ‘far-right,’ in the attempt to silence and marginalise their complaint, Starmer demonstrated precisely why once of the worst outrages in British history was ignored, downplayed, and carried on for so long. People like him are complicit.

There is an agenda at play here, all across the Western world, and ‘ordinary’ people are bearing the brunt of it.

Macron is the 4th European leader in the last day to speak against Elon Musk following Olaf Scholz, Keir Starmer and Jonas Gahr Støre. It’s coordinated. It is class war, and it is being waged from above and from without by the corporate class, and ‘progressives’ and middle class liberals with their pet causes and crusades are being hijacked, diverted, and used to external ends. But they themselves are too class biased and bigoted to either notice or even care to notice. Can any one person in the progressive left and liberal left tell me why the murder of one man in America, George Floyd, or the murder of Stephen Lawrence here in Britain, received more media coverage than the murder, rape, and abuse of tens of thousands of mainly white working class girls?

Because the progressive left see themselves as saviours to certain sections of society…the view working class white girls with a level of distain that point to self-hate? The politics are suicidal, but you would expect them to be if they are driven by a neurotic self-loathing.


It's a real misstep for the Prime Minister to say anyone who wants a full inquiry into predominantly Pakistani rape gangs and the political culture that covered them up is ‘jumping on a bandwagon of the far right’. He’s rattled. Not least because he and his ilk have nothing left.

Labour is all over this scandal, covering up for votes, Starmer included. Starmer has determined his defence. He says he is going to go back to the Jay Report published in 2022 and he says he is going to implement some of the recommendations in the report. But that report has been heavily criticised on a number of grounds: there is no mention of Telford, just one reference to Rotherham in four hundred pages, it uses the term Pakistani just once, and it relies on the statements of officials and not the testimony of victims and survivors. It is a whitewash and a cover up. The Jay enquiry is being used as a smokescreen to continue the cover up. As with Hillsborough, the members of the establishment are claiming that an enquiry has already been held, truth has been established, and justice has been done. The establishment is rotten, its members corrupt.

I want an independent investigation/ inquiry that gets to the very top of who covered up the epidemic of child rape gangs and prosecutes them. And I’m not remotely frightened by scary labels. They have been used so often as to now be void of meaning.

‘People have had enough of Elon Musk interfering with our country’s democracy,’ says Liberal Democrat leader, ‘when he clearly knows nothing about Britain.’ I’ll speak as one who is British and knows Britain and its pathetic political class very well - we’ve had enough of a political, media, academy, and activist class that has done sod-all about the rape gangs. This systematic exploitation and abuse of children has been allowed to take place for years now precisely because of the domination of people like Ed Davey at every institutional level. This is not going away. The establishment are culpable and people want answers. As for ‘progressives’ and ‘leftists’ rattling on about far right racists, they are tools and fools.


And the ‘clever’ people insist that Elon Musk is an idiot. Musk doesn’t waste time and energy on cretins, but goes direct. What did Davey et al do to stop the mass rape of little girls? We know what the political, media, and academy class did to cover it up. They are still doing it.


Journalist Dominic Green shares his insights on why the Labour Party is increasingly concerned about Elon Musk's campaign to support victims of grooming gangs in the UK (6th January 2025). Votes is one obvious reason. Labour is more concerned not to lose votes than it is to right a heinous wrong. And if you still haven’t realised that Labour doesn’t give a damn about working class people, then there is nothing I can say. A denial that is impervious to experience can’t be reasoned with. But it goes deeper. Green argues that Musk's influence could spark much-needed reform and disrupt the status quo in British politics. ‘It's the most important story in my understanding in British politics in our lifetimes. I think it will have a far greater impact in the long term than Brexit, for instance, which everyone has thought was the biggest issue of the last decade. And the fact that Elon Musk has forced this back to public attention and is essentially looks like he's going to hold the government, and indeed the entire bureaucracy, the police, the home office, everybody, to account is astonishing.’


I shall extract certain comments from the interview and make observations as I go.


Green is asked how he thinks Elon Musk is transforming British politics.


‘The first thing I would say is this couldn't have happened without digital technology and social media and New Media in particular, so we are in uncharted waters.’ Whilst people expressed views on other countries before, didn't circulate and have an instant impact on this scale. ‘Musk's opinion has dynamited British politics in that he's able to engage with millions of people and to force a response from government ministers.’ Of course, those who had thought they had made democracy safe for elites, burying scandals and ruling in their own interests with impunity, are rattled. ‘Intervening in the case of the grooming and rape gangs scandal is only the latest and in effect elected politicians in Britain and also the bureaucracy are now accountable to one of the world's richest people and the question is whether this is for the good now and whether it might be for the good or bad in future uh with a different person in that position.’


I would relate it the corporate neo-feudalism that is emerging, the voices of the members of the demos counting for nothing – successive governments across the Western world pursuing an extraneous agenda whilst ignoring the demands of the people – and the views of the oligarchs and superrich counting for everything. It seems that politics now reduces to choosing which of the rich we are to follow. The politicians are already doing it and have been doing it for a long time now. I don’t care for it. You may get lucky and find an oligarch who raises issues that are of concern to you, but should remember that they will always do so for their own interests and ends.


How concerned is Starmer and the Labour government? They are rattled because they know that Musk has raised an issue they want buried. They want it buried because they and the established are culpable at every level. It is proof positive that we live under governments that pay no regard whatsoever to the first duty of government – that of protection and safety. People alienated certain rights to government in return for protection. That social contract is now broken. People can never alienate their sovereign power, it is always theirs. They have the right and the power to put an end to irresponsible and unrepresentative government. An issue such as this makes clear the extent to which the social contract is ended and government has to be reconstituted from the base up. The ruling class want it buried: their first thought is to protect themselves against the citizens.


‘I think they're very concerned. I think they're more concerned about this than the previous Conservative governments were because the Labour party is a control freak organization which as we've seen is already determined to suppress the speech and objections of the British public on issues where it believes that these are settled issues. And there can be no negotiation, for instance, on mass immigration, Islamism, terrorism and so on. That's obviously not the case in the British public's eyes and social media has become the forum in which the public expresses its dissatisfaction and of course that connects it globally.’ The Labour party – or any party - can no longer control information and debate in the way they once did through the BBC and the newspapers, and hence turn to legislating to suppress people's rights to protest power and express their views online.


The objections to Musk’s political influence – described as interference – are riddled with hypocrisy, coming from people who have been busy expressing their views on international affairs, with Labour even sending people to the US to campaign against Trump. And that’s before we even mention the rich corporate backers they cultivate. These people don’t have a leg to stand on. The big money and influence is with them, and it is used against the people they purport to represent.


On grooming gangs, Green notes that both Labour and the Conservatives, the Home Office and the police ‘seem to have thought that they could kick to one side. They thought they had buried it in large part. The media did the shovel work. Most of the media was simply not interested in pursuing this story.’ And it is interesting to probe why. None of this is accidental. Green describes the grooming gangs scandal as ‘the most important story in British politics in our lifetimes,’ claiming that it will have a far greater impact in the long term than Brexit. In passing, it is worth noting that the people who have cried endlessly over Brexit have tended to say nothing on the grooming gangs scandal, other than to denounce those raising the issue as ‘far right racists.’ Which is pretty much how they denounced those who voted Leave. The division is along clear class lines, with the working class routinely denounced for their mere existence, let alone for having an independent voice. Members of the working class raised the issue of grooming gangs and were dismissed as far right and racist. It has taken Elon Musk to force this scandal back into public view, and it looks like he's going to hold the government and the entire bureaucracy, the police, the Home Office, everyone, to account. Of course, those who have sought to bury the issue in the past are now busying themselves in the attempt to bury Musk. Those who criticise Musk on account of his interfering in the politics of another nation need to answer the question: why didn’t they do as Musk has done, and raise this issue themselves. Make them answer that question, and they will fall back on the defence that there have been enquiries and the issue has been dealt with. They know fine well it hasn’t been. And so they turn to silence Musk - as the victims have been silenced.

‘Shut up, Elon Musk! We don’t want your fascism in Europe!’ says Georg Restl, one of many saying the same thing.

Musk responds: ‘If protecting children makes one a fascist, then so be it.’


Labour MP Stephen Kinnock, son of millionaire socialists who made their money out of politics, EU lover who knows nothing about working class people and working class life, and who has never done a turn in his life, is more worried about ‘language that whips up violent sentiment’ than 20 men queuing up to rape a 12-year-old. ‘People think MPs are useless, posh, and corrupt,’ Jess Phillips wrote in The Times.


All they have is the abuse of people who raise their voices to express concern and protest the outrages committed against them. Nothing else, other than pious generalities and empty promises.


 This scandal predates Kier Starmer and Jess Phillips and goes back decades. They are not the issue, and neither is Elon Musk. We should avoid sinking this controversy into the swamp of competing political platforms and loyalties. I quite like Musk, for his ‘oddities’ and plain speaking, but wouldn’t trust him with an ounce of power. As for Labour, I would repeat time and again to my dad that the only useful thing Labour can do now is big a deep pit, jump into it, and cover themselves in lime, begging for forgiveness for all eternity. And that was in the 1990s.


This scandal is a stain on our country, to the eternal shame of all those who have refused to speak out. If this was taking place in another country, we would consider it evidence of barbarism. And yet, for reasons of politics and ideology, people are seeing their passivity in terms of social peace and toleration. They think themselves high-minded and enlightened, when in fact they are barbarians. And cowards. The fact that this scandal has been swept under the carpet for so long suggests that culpability is extensive and pervades the entire establishment.


This is not just the worst scandal of the post-war period, eclipsing Aberfan, Hillsborough, and Grenfel by its sheer scale, it may well be one of the worst things that's happened in the modern history of the UK. I avoid comparatives, for the reason they always diminish someone else’s suffering. But something like 250,000 primarily white working class girls were assaulted, raped, and tortured under the nose of the authorities, and yet nothing was done by way of protection (only prosecution of victims and their families). People knew this was happening and yet looked the other way. There is more than cowardice going on here.


And the denial and deflection continues, as Kier Starmer seeks to turn a discussion about abuse and protection into a discussion about protecting middle class MPs from mean words *Leftist Paul Mason describes Jess Phillips as working class. She isn't. And Mason isn't a Leftist, either - these people are fakes). It is entirely legitimate to hold Jess Phillips to account for her rank hypocrisy. But the controversy here, and over Musk and foreign interference, turns the focus away from where it ought to be, which concerns the protection of the most vulnerable members of society from abuse. Starmer ignores the plight of these working class girls to turn the issue into one of the anger and outrage being expressed at members of the Labour Party. You would think Labour’s record on this scandal was a proud one. It is anything but. And people are right to hold their feet to the fire. People are asking for the authorities to do no more than their job. We can speculate on Labour’s reticence here as due to a fear of alienating its Muslim vote. Having abandoned the working class it always let down in any case, Labour are desperate for votes. They barely scraped in at the election, despite fourteen years of a totally useless and inept Conservative government. They won the election by default. They are unloved and unwanted. They need every vote they can get, and it seems they will take those votes at any price – a price paid by others. It is the age of luxury beliefs in politics after all. Just do your job. The police have admitted that they were concerned about stirring racial tensions and causing community division. That’s not good enough. If law and order upsets community relations, then there is no community worth speaking of. Address that issue. This issue goes higher and deeper than many want to imagine. So they pretend it never happened, or is all over, and will go away.


Why was the issue unaddressed for so long? Because it disrupts the dominant political narrative, says Brendan O’Neill, a narrative which holds that white people are privileged and problematic and that Asian people and Muslim people and brown skinned people are oppressed. A scandal in which hundreds of primarily Muslim men were raping and abusing tens of thousands white working class girls contradicts that narrative, and deflates the self-congratulating righteousness that accompanies it, and so it is opposed, discarded, and ignored. The scandal consists of the wrong kind of perpetrator and the wrong kind of victim, and is therefore zoned out. You would have thought that politicians, people generally, would see the facts without a political and ideological filter, and do the morally right thing. But that’s not how filters operate. In Power and Innocence (1976), the psychologist Rollo May argues that human beings are advanced animals in being animals that kill on account of principles. Ideological control and political power involves a particularly invidious form of human violence, so too the violence associated with the acquisition of material possessions to feed wants far beyond what is required for sustenance:


Man creates symbols and bases his culture upon them; the flag and patriotism are examples, as are status, religion, and language. The capacity to create and deal with symbols, actually a superb achievement, also accounts for the fact that we are the cruellest species on the planet. We kill not out of necessity but out of allegiance to such symbols as the flag and fatherland; we kill on principle. Thus our aggression occurs on a different level from that of animals, and not much can be learned from animals about this distinctively human form of aggression (Rollo May, Power and Innocence 1976: 147).


People take the high ground on a matter of principle, whilst others deny or silence their consciences in face of those acting aggressively on principle. Human beings as social beings buy into a dominant cultural force. It ‘demonstrates the power of ideology,’ argues Brendan O’Neill, and ‘what we have is a ruling class, a kind of new leftish, pseudo-liberal ruling class that is so ensnared by this ideology that it is even willing to sacrifice the safety and dignity of working class girls at the altar of that ideology.’ Pseudo-leftist and illiberal, but certainly bourgeois. They will say not, but compare how heated they get in peddling their prejudices to the cool and dispassionate way they address the mass rape of white working class girls. Of course rape is a very bad thing they will say, before moving on to the but that introduces their political and value preferences.


We as a society have failed, in that too few have stood up and spoken up, and too many have engaged in apologetics, either out of ideology or cowardice.


Starmer is putting a political spin on this, drawing the dividing lines, dissolving this scandal into politics. Divide and deflect.

There have been enquiries but there has never been a reckoning. Part of that reckoning needs to address why people weren't allowed to raise this scandal for so long. Given the way that Starmer is throwing the label ‘far right’ around, it seems that reckoning will never come from within the system, only from the people themselves. How did people get away with this and why did officials turn a blind eye, why did the police, the local authorities, the media fail.


The political establishment is doing everything it can to sustain the lie that multiculturism has been a success in Great Britain. This is about protecting the ideology of multiculturalism and diversity, says Brendan O’Neill, and nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of that, even at the safety of some of the most vulnerable girls in our society.


An incredibly important point to make here is that this cover up is extremely offensive to Muslims. Like every normal, decent human being, Muslims in this country would never dream of engaging in the sexual abuse of young girl. The political class that rules that we can’t address this issue because we might offend Muslims are being downright offensive in implying that all Muslims are complicit in this abuse. People who want this addressed want the specific perpetrators identified and brought to justice. It is those deflecting and diverting who are generalising the issue to embrace all Muslims. They are saying that all are tarnished by the activities of some. To put an end to confusion here it might be useful for Muslim leaders to speak out.


And others need to speak out. I can remember the two invasions of Iraq, mass murder committed on the basis of lies and political expediency. Saddam Hussein was no longer useful and so was to be disposed of. I said at the time that if our governments can get away with this, they can get away with anything, and any murder, torture, and abuse they can commit with impunity abroad they will commit at home. These people are the real barbarians. As Lewis Mumford and Alasdair MacIntyre pointed out decades ago. Both felt that a large part of our predicament is that we are not aware of what barbarians rule over us. After the events of the past forty years, we must surely know it now. And need to act appropriately and effectively in light of that knowledge.

There is an inhumanism stalking this age. I turn now to Neil Oliver’s monologue from 7th January 2025, for the reason it hones in on the inhumanism that has been cultivated and inculcated in recent decades. I have written on this in regards of the environmentalism that has come to dominate leftist politics, despite having its origins in a reactionary misanthropy (Peter Critchley, The Critique of Environmentalism: Nature Fetishism and the Case for Metaphysical Reconstruction. 2023).


Neil Oliver begins by emphasising that ‘our authorities and those setting the direction of travel for our society have no regard for children.’ I say they have no regard for human beings at all, beyond the elect and the elite, People Like Us. There is an assault taking place on the family, on men, and on women. It is an assault on stable structures and stabilisers. The assault on the past is combined with an assault on the future. It is a deliberate attack on humanity. It’s in the DNA of modernity, whose organisational, systemic, and institutional imperatives proceed, in the words of Max Weber, ‘without regard for persons.’ It is the age of impersonalisation under the sway of external imperatives.


Oliver states that ‘our authorities don't care that they place no value on the lives of individual children.’ This disregard for human life, for family life, for children’s lives, has been plain to see for decades, and is in plain sight now. Those who can’t see it, are either refusing to see it or simply can’t see it, for ideological reasons. The people who obsess over overpopulation, the people who identify human beings as a virus on the planet – often the same people who argue the necessity of mass immigration on grounds of falling birthrates – are intellectually, morally, and politically incoherent, consistent only in their inhumanism. Oliver describes it as ‘the ultimate expression of the reality of the anti-human, anti-life agenda, that threatens every aspect of our society.’ It looks like the death-wish of a bankrupt and exhausted class, people who see life as purposeless and pointless, their own included. They live for themselves, for the moment. And are pathetically passive as it all falls apart, or is pulled apart. They are weak, and offer no resistance. They are a gift to the inhumanists governing the world. Their various ideologies rationalise a death instinct. They are cultists and can’t handle contrary facts and realities. They spin, deceive, and dissemble.


This devaluation of human life and destruction of our inherited moral and social ecosystems has not been natural or organic, but has been engineered and advanced quite deliberately. Oliver refers to the ‘appropriate rage about the revelations of child rape in English towns on a horrific scale over many decades and carried out by gangs of predominantly Pakistani men. The rage and revulsion and demands for justice and retribution are right and proper,’ he states, before noting that that rage and revulsion are not shared by all, and that some are more animated by a rage and revulsion against all they brand as ‘far right’ and ‘racist’ – by which they mean the victims demanding justice, and the people who put their case to power. That shows a remarkable set of priorities. But there is no mystery. People are blinded by power and ideology. They always have been and always will be. It is a test of society that its members are able to identify the signs and root the causes out. Oliver argues that the authorities, steered by governments of different political persuasions, ‘turned blind eyes at best or worse by far covered up the horror is no longer even denied.’ I would say it is still being denied, by being downplayed and minimised.


Oliver asks why the dam is bursting now after being suppressed for so long: ‘I say the answer must lead to the realization however hard and uncomfortable that there is a real and Dreadful Darkness at the heart of things; that Darkness has seen the deliberate diminishing and devaluing of human life and especially of the lives of children; that darkness is motivated to act by one thing and one thing only, and that's expediency.


‘No one can any longer deny the rapes in unthinkable numbers, often involving the monstrous repeated rape of the same individuals over and over again for months and years, sadistic and utterly obscene.’ They can, they are, and they are labelling those expressing legitimate concern and anger as ‘far right’ and ‘racist.’ Consider it all apiece with the inhumanism of the age.


The ‘resultant rage is righteous,’ argues Oliver. Indeed. But it is being branded ‘far right’ and ‘racist’ in the attempt to suppress and silence the popular voice. There is open war now between government and governed. People have pointed out for years the growing detachment between government and the governed, and have pointed out how bereft of solutions to problems governments of all persuasions are. The breach in the social contract is now in the open – governments are acting to secure their rule against an increasingly unruly people. A different vote at the election is not going to resolve this – the anti-democratic animus pervades the entire institutional fabric and is of a piece with the antihumanism of the age.


Oliver wants to know why the issue is generating heat now, in relation to Elon Musk’s intervention. People have been sounding the alarm since the seventies. The whole appalling story has been blown wide open the number of crimes and victims, revealing a depravity that requires a reckoning. Our ‘systems are rotten to the core,’ Oliver states, arguing that all the depravity that ‘happened to countless, mostly forgotten, English girls is what happens when countries are run by authorities that care only about power and control.’ ‘It's plain to see that our authorities for decades knew what was happening to those girls and we know that because those authorities were told as much over and over again by victims and whistle-blowers who are now wholly vindicated. Our authorities knew what was happening and didn't stop it,’ which, Oliver states, is ‘the same as having been happy to let it happen.’ This is something that people don’t want to address. But they need to, for their own sakes. People need to know what kind of people are governing them. If you don’t confront this awful truth then you are a coward – and cowards never hold onto their liberty for long. ‘It was known to be going on and it wasn't stopped. And victims were made criminals instead of being rescued from their hell. And so the horror was allowed to carry on unchallenged and uninterrupted.’ It is now abundantly clear that the victims and whistle-blowers were right, and were condemned for telling the horrible and politically inconvenient truth.



Here, Oliver is concerned to understand why Elon Musk is so energized right now about highlighting the industrial scale of the rape of English girls in English towns. He asks the question in light of sinister and frightening revelations coming out of the US regarding human trafficking, specifically the trafficking of children and babies. There are hundreds of thousands of children known to have crossed the US Southern Border in the recent past, who have effectively disappeared in that the US authorities are unable to account for their whereabouts and cannot vouch for their safety. The recent movie The Sound of Freedom sought to highlight the horror of human trafficking, only for the filmmakers to be targeted for vilification instead of the film’s content. The same thing with respect to those seeking to raise concerns around the grooming gangs in the UK. It is consistent. Human trafficking now competes with illegal guns and drugs for the title of most profitable industry. ‘When it comes to Musk’s intervention, I'm only asking why here and why now.’ The wholesale rape of children the rest of the depravity in the UK has been reported on for 40 years: if it was ignored in all that time, and if ‘victims and whistle-blowers were fit only for dismissing then ridiculing and criminalizing; if it was to be made invisible then and for all that time,’ then ‘why is it being admitted and acknowledged now?’

Why now is always a question worth asking if there's authentic determination to seek the better protection of and justice for children, all children everywhere, will the world ever be allowed to see the names on the fabled Jeffrey Epstein Client List? Oliver refers to Epstein and his Island and the so-called Lolita Express: ‘whoever else was taking trips on that jet plane, whoever else was making use of underage girls, which is to say children, which is to say raping them on that island, I don't think it was predominantly men of Pakistan origin.’ Why are the powerful, the authorities, interested in some monsters but not all of the monsters, asks Oliver. If the monsters are the billionaires funding politicians behind the scenes, do they get a free ride and a free pass? Why the concern to downplay this outrage?


Society is headed into one direction and one direction only. You may think that we are on the road to Hell in a hand cart, ‘but to be more specific we're being herded into digital slavery, back into feudalism.’ Oliver says that ‘this may sound out of context but it's the whole point.’ He is spot on. Max Weber’s ‘iron cage’ of capitalist modernity came about by way of social evolution; it is now being turned into the digital cage as a matter of deliberate design. ‘Because everything we're being fed right now is to keep us distracted from the cage. We are being fed dehumanising slogans and illusions: democracy is an illusion; loss of freedom and rights a certainty; endless war pays for all of it; and the latest instalment is coming down the line even as I speak. ‘Once again and as always we're being manipulated. Our worst fears played upon. Monsters who've been protected for half a lifetime for some purpose are now exposed. High time too and let them be damned to Outer Darkness for eternity. But ask also why now. If you think the outrage coming from on high is sincere, there's a bridge in London I could sell you.’ I’m not quite following Oliver here – I see no outrage from on high, just more denial, denigration, and abuse. Kier Starmer’s speech sounded more like a deliberate provocation. But I can see what Oliver is getting at: ‘there's blood in the water right enough but it's the blood of expendable monsters whose time has come. In the US, will the general population shortly be frightened by the thought Isis is already moving in their midst and that the solution to the uncontrolled immigration that brought them is digital ID. War is peace and so Iran is lined up as the next target. When will we stop falling for the manipulation? In this reality, ordinary lives don't matter a damn and the lives of children matter least of all; in this reality, the powerful can and will do whatever they want to anyone they want. And again I say that's the least of it. In our society children are sexualized practically from the cradle onwards. Children bear the brunt of every horror, rape as well as every other. By all means round up the child rapists and demand justice, but be careful to get them all, every last one of them while you're at it.’ The authorities have no regard for children, that much has been demonstrated. But in addition to rooting out the rapists we need confront the anti-life, anti-family and anti-human mind-set that allows, enables, drives, and rationalises the whole sordid a lot of it.


Racist? Oliver is pointing the finger at all who are culpable in driving the inhumanism of the age. And here is one of the few occasions were ‘me too’ is worth saying.


The effect of this is going to be accelerate political changes that are already underway and may well bring about a complete transformation in British politics. And not before time – the mainstream political parties have not been fit for purpose my entire lifetime. The last time I voted for any of them at any level was in 1992, and even then without hope, with just thirty minutes left to the close of poll (I merely wanted to visit my old junior school which was being used as a polling station). The collapse of support for the traditional parties will continue. These parties will resort to any chicanery to stave off their well-deserved death. Goodbye, good riddance, and the same for the smaller parties who have sought to join the club.


The ‘scandal’ has been going on since the 1970s. The establishment thought they had buried it. That it is receiving new attention is down entirely to Elon Musk. The man possesses an enormously powerful megaphone, a huge soap box, and is taking part in the debates like any other member of X, formerly Twitter. It is significant that there are those who think Musk and the power at his command is the issue, not industrial scale rape. They want Musk silenced, just as they want the voices of ‘ordinary’ people silenced. ‘It's like the Roman Emperor going through the streets in disguise and mingling with the peasants in the market. I don't think Kier Starmer would dare show his face anywhere near the British public given how unpopular he is.’ I’ll take the rough-and-tumble of popular political exchange over a policed, monitored, and manipulated ‘safe space’ any day (a political space rendered safe for power).

Green describes Musk’s actions as ‘positive,’ but admits that he likes quite a lot of what he says. ‘I probably wouldn't feel the same if it was somebody who wasn't as prepared as Musk is to go against the consensus and is suspicious of what in America they call the Deep State. In Britain they don't talk about the Deep State so much, they just talk about a state which is falling apart and has a control freak problem. At the moment he is against it and that's an excellent thing.’ There’s the problem with picking your favourite oligarch in politics – oligarchs have their own interests and agendas, and if they sometimes appear to be on your side, it tends to be for accidental reasons. Democracy and the principle of self-assumed obligation are the sine qua non of any social contract worth its salt.


But Green is right Britain is indeed a ‘country which is sort of paralyzed and incompetent. Musk is a sort of tech inventor, he looks at a problem set. And this is why free speech matters so much to him. It's not just because he is an American by adoption and so is aware of what it means scientific ideas developed by trial and error. Making the wrong hypothesis in public in politics, that is free speech.’

Spot on! There are people who think themselves clever, but who are no more than midwits with certificates, who routinely denounce Musk as stupid. He can be wayward, and shoot from the lip and the hip, and commit errors. Midwits who like everything just so pose as experts and technocrats when they are really just pedants, bureaucrats at best. They love regulation, of course. They are neither innovators nor risk-takers, they do it by the book. They forget that the people who wrote the book were themselves pioneers who got plenty wrong. In Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science (2013), physicist Michael Brooks shows how the pioneers in science took their inspiration from everywhere, took risks, explored flights of fantasy, made errors, and yet made the great scientific discoveries. The midwits would pick these pioneers up on their errors and call them stupid. (Galileo’s theory of the tides was wrong, but the heliocentric view upon which it was based was right, Einstein’s maths were often way out).


Free speech, free radicals, it is the way of experiment and discovery, in politics as in science. ‘You believe that things can be argued out, that by airing positions, differences, we arrive at the truth or even at the best policy. For Musk, it's not just a matter of free speech, it's an entire world view, and I think he's completely correct.’ When Musk looks at Britain he sees ‘a country where the government, the police, and the bureaucracy are doing their best to suppress free speech. And that ends up in a miserable country but also a dumb country, and it's in nobody's interest for Britain to become a miserable and dumb place’ I would say Green is too generous here. It is very much in the interests of the joyless neurotics and dumb people who dominate politics and culture to make Britain a miserable and dumb place. Some describe them as technocrats, whilst noting how incompetent they are. They may see themselves as technocrats, but they are really bureaucrats, of the lowest order: incompetent in most everything other than in extending misery and mediocrity.


‘Elon Musk may be creating problems. He uses a bit of hyperbole or he doesn't quite understand an issue and he retweets accounts which are inaccurate. Musk is not the first person to be retweeting idiots and bigots on the internet.’ It is the default nature of internet politics; it is the default nature of democratic politics. We've seen over the last few years attempts to exclude people from taking part in politics. I would rather suffer the views of idiots and bigots than the mediation and regulation of the thought and speech police. It was once put to me, as a Hillsborough survivor, that I wouldn’t care to be on the receiving end of the ugly, ill-informed, abuse of those blaming Liverpool supporters for the deaths of their own. My response was clear. I have heard all the abuse, year in, year out, and know that it traumatised many survivors. I would allow the free speech that made such abuse possible, knowing that the mediation of speech by way of police and regulation would more than likely put an end to views I would like to express. I don’t have any political side to promote, and criticise many. I have no doubt that the people I criticise would prefer to see my views silenced. I like to disturb power. To obtain a pertinent answer it is often necessary to ask an impertinent question. That was the view of Jacob Bronowski in The Ascent of Man. It’s the way of science, and it should be the way of politics. Take nothing on authority. It is the way of truth. I would rather be exposed to abuse than suffer the authority of the policemen. The censors …. idiots …….


‘Musk is a remarkable person for all of those oddities of personality and drawbacks and a kind of tendency to be crass and shoot from the hip,’ says Green. As one of the odds, I like those ‘oddities of personality.’ Musk is autistic, like myself. I recognise some of his traits as ones that I share. I see the clever people – the midwits – describe him as a sociopath, and stupid, for reasons of ‘oddities’ that I share. These are the ‘be kind’ ‘all humanity’ ‘social justice’ people, of course. Immediately I see the abuse of autistic traits. These people are not very kind at all. And not very bright, either, and nowhere near as clever as they think they are. They have political commitments and value preferences, and select evidence and information and create rationalisations in their support. Such people are inordinately skilled in reasoning well to bad conclusions, and rationalising the consequences as the best of all possible worlds. We live under the rule of midwit mediocrities. Of course they loathe Musk. Just as they loathe the working class. They want him silenced, just as they have silenced the working class.


‘British politics is much more polite than American politics for a start,’ notes Green. ‘Americans are by Nature democratic people and the British I have to say are by nature very very class bound, it is the Achilles heel of British life. Talented people are driven out or are patronized or simply ignored, and all too often untalented people with the right connections float to the top.’ There may be many reasons why I have been marginalised over the years. This is one of them. Time and again I see working class people abused as stupid and some form of ‘ic’ or ‘ist.’ I come from solid working class stock, but cannot be dismissed as ‘uneducated.’ That makes me awkward company.


A working class hero is something to be

They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool

'Til you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules

And you think you're so clever and classless and free

But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

There's room at the top they are telling you still

But first you must learn how to smile as you kill

If you want to be like the folks on the hill

A working class hero is something to be


The midwits, of course, prefer the empty generalisations and political void that is Imagine.


Green is asked why he thinks the grooming gangs or rape gangs issue has been so unexamined. There has been so much disinterest in the issue from so many parts of the country, the media, the Establishment, for so many years. It seems ‘bizarre’ that it has taken an American and Americans to shine a huge light on this issue. Why has the issue been buried under the radar?


‘I think this is because of snobbery in its old forms and new.’ That snobbery is related directly to class. ‘The old form of snobbery holds that the miseries of largely white, largely working class or underclass girls in ugly and unfashionable Northern towns are really not that important. When people talk about the London media and the Metropolitan bubble that's basically what that means. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the getting of power except of course in cultivating a voter base, and if you have a crime which the police confirm has been heavily committed by people of Pakistani background, well that's your voter base, you're not going to want to disturb that. And that is the newer form of snobbery, which is political correctness. The idea that pointing out that mass immigration might not be an unconditional wonderful thing for everybody has become a kind of heresy.’

There is a new class hierarchy, and just like in the old one the white working class are at the bottom of it. To be exploited, abused, insulted, treated as the lowest of the low. The old Left organising around socio-economic issues of concern to the working class has been supplanted by a new cultural Left organising around a traffic in symbols and their manipulation. The new class hierarchy speaks the language of social justice, but practises social injustice in the service of its own ends – ends which are contrary to those of ‘ordinary’ people. ‘We are now seeing Elon Musk making it acceptable to talk about the downsides of mass immigration. This was not an acceptable thing, it was not politically correct, and the one thing I notice in the British media is that they are conformists generally, and they are very class conscious. They are very proud of their connections to politicians and to power, as journalists everywhere tend to be, and so they have no real incentive to go too deeply into a story which may make them look bad guys.’ The dominant members of the political, media, academy, and activist class are class conscious conformists – they have their own worldview, their own agendas and ends, and they club together and don’t break ranks. No matter truth and justice of the case.


It has long since been time to expose all those who helped cover up the crimes of the child rape gangs across the UK. The scale of the scandal is due entirely to the complicity of powerful people in the establishment as well as to a particular class of people in wider society. There are people in this country who openly and actively loathe the working class and not merely turn a blind eye to the various iniquities and indignities visited upon working class people, approve, encourage, and enjoy. Their cover was blown with Brexit. The people who expressed anger and outrage in the most vicious and abusive of terms over the leave vote patently had no knowledge of the dire social predicament of the working class across the country, and could care less. They are the same people who are happy to demand extensive and expensive governmental programmes with respect to Net Zero, oblivious of the extent to which food and energy stress impact on the less well-off. Assertions of ignorance here are actually a generous assessment – they know, and could care less. They don’t care for the working class, they hold the working class in contempt. Green politics is now part of the class war from above being waged against the working class. The working class are now disposable, unexploitable; they are being disposed of. With ‘deaths of despair,’ its members are disposing of themselves. This is the class context behind the introduction of state-sanctioned death. The lives of the working class are being made miserable as a deliberate strategy, its few joys being removed one by one. We are governed by sociopaths, but there is a class logic to the depravity.


We are told that police forces across the country refused to investigate these child rape gangs on account of being afraid of stoking racial tensions and damaging race relations. I would suggest that in a context of systematic, mass rape, race relations are already broken. That the cover up has been widespread indicates just how rotten the establishment – and wider society – is.


Drink and drugs were involved, of course. These things are rife in broken communities of broken people. We are looking at the demoralisation and destabilisation that follows deindustrialisation – working class people thrown on the scrapheap, denied a future, the continuity between the generations broken, families broken, people left without stakes in the present and hopes for the future. Without direction. A vacuum waiting to be filled.

And the comfortably off middle class liberals turn and blame victims for their own poor choices. Liberalism as the smug self-validating philosophy of the privileged. For the record, as a simple matter of criminal law, it is impossible for a girl under the age of 16 to consent to sexual intercourse in any circumstances. Police officers visited premises where young girls between the ages of 12 and 14 were found in a state of undress, worse the wear for drink and drugs, with a number of adult men. They were considered to have consented and no action was taken – other than to arrest the girls. At the same time, the smug liberals blame the parents. Up and down the country police forces refused to investigate, ignoring the law and the age of consent.

The girls made a ‘lifestyle choice,’ said Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown. That word ‘choice’ is so dear to liberals. On point of law, underage girls can’t consent to sex.

Moral cowardice, racial fear, and pure class snobbery, prejudice, and hatred lies behind this.


There are numerous reports of young girls seeking help only to be denied. Local authorities, councils, police have shown extreme reluctance to take these girls seriously. There are harrowing accounts of girls going to the authorities and asking for help, only to be ignored. There is an account of one girl going to the police saying she had been raped, they considered her to be drunk and sent her away, and she ended up being raped again. That’s the level of incompetence and complicity we are talking of. When the girls asked for help they were not taken seriously and were not just sent away but sent back into the arms of their abusers. People have sought to raise the issue, only to be dismissed as racists. We need an exposé and a clear out. There is a culture of moral cowardice but more, a culture of fear and loathing with respect to working class people. The people who are afraid that people would react angrily when the truth is admitted should know that there is a such a thing as righteous anger. Anger in face of mass rape is appropriate. Those who seek to clamp down on basic human emotions are inhuman.


The police do not operate in a vacuum. The context is a widespread contempt and loathing for working class people. This is apparent in the media. Channel 4 have commissioned a three-part documentary on false grooming allegations in Northern towns. Some quarter of a million school girls have been gang raped, and Channel 4 commissions a three-part documentary on one alleged liar. Generalising from the particular is precisely the philosophical sin that those academics who describe the grooming gangs outrage as a racist narrative cite the most. Just because x amount of people commit a crime doesn’t mean that all do. And other such trite drivel. They commit the sin themselves, going out of their way to find false allegations and using these to claim the whole issue of grooming gangs is not merely a false narrative, but racist. You need to understand that none of this is accidental. Once you grasp that there is a strategy, a purpose, and a politics behind it, the supposed anomalies – so manifestly contrary to fact and reason – make sense. The BBC have also produced a documentary on what they call ‘the fake grooming gang scandal.’ The only reality of the scandal, they argue, is the racist one of racist people. The BBC documentary went so far as to claim that the school girls who were drugged, raped, and abused were ‘more sexually experienced’ than the rapists and abusers. One of the defendants claimed in the court that he'd never even seen two people kissing yeah I mean it actually makes me. The BBC ran with the line that being good moral and religious folk, the rapists and abusers could not have been guilty. The girls, by definition, were immoral and asking for trouble.


it’s deliberate, protecting their narrative at all costs. They want people to see that and assume the entire issue is fabricated. It’s a sickening tactic designed to downplay the suffering of victims and deflect attention from the truth. Absolutely disgusting.

It’s an utter disgrace. And it won’t be addressed by a case-by-case guerrilla war. This is class war. Worse, it is a class war that is being run as a divide and conquer strategy, with corporate interests seeking to weaken a society from within, bringing about moral and social collapse. The bourgeois are its agents, tools and fools manacled and manipulated by way of their prejudices.


The establishment and its lickspittles also attempt to hide the particulars behind generalisations. The government wants to talk about child sex abuse per se, but the question is why state agencies and public servants looked the other way in terms of these specific, organised rape gangs. Even now, the government and many in the media refuse to confront how a fear of being labelled racist is still concealing the truth.

The government wants to talk about child sex abuse per se, but the question is why state agencies and public servants looked the other way in terms of these specific, organised rape gangs. Even now, the government and many in the media refuse to confront how a fear of being labelled racist is still concealing the truth.

Talking about general child sex abuse is a way to hide the specifics of this issue under a broader problem. Why is exactly why they do it.

Jihad is being perpetrated against British citizens - the weakest and most vulnerable – and it didn’t start with Pakistani rape gangs, it started with the British ruling class and its servants in every institution.


The police officers, senior individuals within councils, those in politics and the social services – every institution across society - ignored the issue. They all need to be rooted out. It’s another national scandal to join the others, Post Office, Grenfel, Hillsborough, how many more do people need before they see the systemic, institutional rot at the heart of British society. The UK has an establishment and system of government whose members are adept at shifting blame onto other people – and ultimately back onto the victims seeking justice. The failures by social services, the health system, the education system, the police, the councils, the judiciary, the political class indicate systemic failure across all departments of government at all levels. As with the Hillsborough Disaster, it will take more than a national inquiry to sort that out. A class struggle is not resolved by institutional redress.


‘I have been asked to share this true story by Ellie and her dad, and I would warn everyone that it is very tough to watch. This heart wrenching story was eventually transmitted by Channel 4 News just before Christmas. I had introduced the news team of Jackie Long and Faye to this family several years ago, at the time that Cumbria police had issed a public statement saying there were “no grooming gangs operating in Barrow.” This piece couldn’t be transmitted until after some of the gang, who were in fact operating there, were finally tried and convicted late last year. Here is the harrowing story told by this incredibly brave young lady and her equally brave and heartbroken dad.’ (Maggie Oliver).


You are free to remain dumb. There is a lot of it about. I am entitled to conclude from that that you are deaf and blind, too, culpably so. It's called cowardice. And a society of cowards rather than citizens has already fallen. Those who keep quiet and pretend not to see are as culpable as those who are actively involved in committing the crimes, allowing and enabling the crimes, spinning the facts.

One day justice, you may say.

I wouldn’t be so sure.

You really are taking on the establishing and myriad servants, apologists, and cowards.

And if you want truth and justice, you are going to have to fight for these things rather than appeal to authorites who care nothing for either.


With regards to the "up to one million children raped" figure, Katie Fanning quotes Hansard:

If we accept the views of our lead police officer for child protection, of Rotherham’s MP and of the recent Jay and Quilliam reports, we are looking at millions of rapes of white and Sikh girls by Muslim men, only 222 of whom have been convicted since 2005.

Volume 789: debated on Tuesday 13 March 2018


I do hope that the current explosion in outrage about the racially and religiously mass targeted genocidal rape and torture of white children in Great Britain by organised gangs of foreign hostile imported men results in demands for the harshest justice.

My primary motivation and reason for doing all the work I have done over the last decade and continue to, has been to obtain a great justice for the genocidal acts being perpetrated against my people. It's motivating to see that these crimes are now being widely recognised for what they are, racial and religious acts of genocide against the White Indigenous peoples of the British Isles.

I got heavily persecuted and denied justice for seeking to have crimes committed against me as a child investigated as racially and religiously motivated and for wanting an investigation into the scale of the mass rape and torture of white kids on the basis of it constituting an act of genocide.

Now, these crimes against us are being publicly acknowledged as such, and it pleases me to see it as once again what I have been stating for many years which the majority of people denied was the reality of what has happened and is still happening, has been vindicated and validated. Just like police beating, stripping and sexually assaulting female victims that they unlawfully detained as a means of intimidation and to try break them. Which many did not believe or denied was taking place until it was exposed and admitted as a reality, and the police issued apologies.

The fact a very large portion of our population and prominent peoples in possitions of authority are now calling for all those responsible to also be held accountable, not just the vile foreign child rapists but also the civil servants, politicians, social workers, high ranking porosecutors,CPS employees, and police who have been complict and facilitated these crimes is incredible to see. We appear to be making progress towards collectively implementing a great justice.

I do not think that this great justice will come immediately or in the near future however this idea of accountability and justice on this broad scale of holding all those responsible for their actions being in the collective consciousness of a large number of our peoples is a significant leap forward that I warmly welcome.

We will, in our lifetime, get the great justice we rightly deserve, especially those who have suffered the worst of these crimes, such as the family of those killed by foreign invaders and the survivors of these foreign peadophile rape gangs.

These crimes of murder and rape of our people are truly the greatest injustices of our time, nothing else compares or even comes close to the horror, pain,  the lifelong and intergenerational suffering those crimes cause the victims, their families and communities. 

We are on course to ensure that those responsible will face our wrath in the coming years. The righteous rage of our people will bring about the justice we deserve.

Katie Fanning, our latter-day Boudicca.


'What the Left say: “Focusing on the gangs’ ethnicity is Islamophobic.”

What they mean: “Please ignore the fact that this is exactly the attitude which enabled this scandal to happen in the first place.”

What the Left say: “Actually there’s already been a national inquiry, which concluded in 2022.”

What they mean: “Please don’t read that inquiry’s final report, or you’ll notice that it wasn’t specifically dedicated to these particular gangs. In 459 pages it mentions Rotherham only once (and Telford not at all).”' (Michael Deacon @the Daily Telegraph).


The game’s up for the establishment – including its leftist servants and apologists – presuming the British public haven’t become totally supine and lunatic.


I no longer bandy words with those who dissemble, decieve, divert, and deflect – liars, cowards, and apologists the lot of them.


 The only people who stood up for the victims were the victims, their families, and isolated others in positions of authority. I identify MP Sarah Champion, too, in Revaluing Labour, and note how she was reprimanded by Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. Institutions at every level failed the victims and their families - as they did the Hillsborough victims and families. Which begs the question as to what purpose they serve, if not truth and justice?

You really have to question Labour politicians and their culpability and motives. Even Sarah Champion, who sought to raise the issue but was disciplined. Champion says ‘that’s not correct’ when Laura Farris says ‘The IICSA inquiry did not focus on grooming gangs. I worked on it at the time. It was very broad - covering everything from the Anglican Church to Dolphin Square and its focus was historic.’ ‘There was a whole strand of the inquiry on “grooming gangs”. I was a core participant’ says Champion in response.


Champion needs to answer what she means by ‘a whole strand.’ She needs to answer how many times Telford was mentioned in the report. She needs to answer how many times Pakistani and Muslim were mentioned (one and three).


Champion will find that what she says is not what the victims and survivors are saying. The fact that she, a Labour MP, was a participant means nothing. We know that Labour people lie. They seem to do little but blatantly lie.


I have not seen a single survivor who has said that the IICSA report was enough (Hillsborough again). The previous work may or may not have been good, but the key point is that it didn’t cover the towns where these outrages happened. 6 towns out of 50 isn’t thorough. And the towns weren’t even grooming towns bar a quick mention of Rotherham and Rochdale.


And Sarah Champion is supposed to be one of Labour’s few good guys in this. She has real questions to answer.


A word search on the IICSA reveals not one use of the term ‘grooming gang’.


The word ‘Pakistani’ is used just once, purely as a definition.


50 towns were avoided.


There is nothing about accountability for failing to apply the law or interfering with its application.


The report completely ignored and buried what was blindingly obvious, perpetuating the problem.


And for some that is job done.


From the report itself:

‘Finally, the result of this lack of accurate and reliable data from police forces and local authorities, compounded by the lack of consistency about the definition of “child sexual exploitation” and “networks” is that the government and other organisations cannot know the current scale of child sexual exploitation by networks, or who is involved in these networks.’


So what are the motives of those who are repeatedly saying that the IICSA report and others are enough, when they patently are not? Why be against a national inquiry focusing on just grooming gangs? The victims know the issue has been covered up. We are seeing the people who are doing the covering up in plain sight.


It was a complete whitewash.


And to those who persist in drawing attention to white rapists and grooming gangs, asking why these people do not receive as much attention, the answer is simple: nobody is defending them, they are being identified, pursued, brought to justice. Because there wasn’t a widespread establishment cover up. Because there are not people deflecting and diverting to prevent them from being brought to justice. Because these men were arrested. Because the police, social services, local government, national government and the media didn’t facilitate or cover it up. Because they didn’t have the government run cover for them and they were prosecuted and ostracised accordingly. And because they don’t comprise x% of the population but commit xxxx% of these crimes. The police investigated the complaint, then charged the perpetrators, and the judicial system then convicted them. The same should apply to everyone. I could go on, but it’s a waste of time. This is playing word games. You have to cut to the chase. Some people are either deliberately ignoring a question, too stupid to understand a question, or too cowardly to answer it.


Labour don’t want an official inquiry that asks why their obsession with ‘anti-Muslim racism’ outweighed the safety of white children. The dependence of Muslim votes in Labour achieving political power could not be more obvious. Labour wooed and groomed the Muslim vote over decades, in its quest for power in local, regional, and national government, to the point of dependency on that Muslim vote to achieve that power. They are afraid of losing the Muslim vote.  Without that Muslim vote Labour would never be in power in local or national government and there would certainly be no Labour Mayors in the regions. They are too stupid and cowardly to see that in time they will lose that vote anyway – they already are. The country is in the death-grip of political parties that are void of substance, merely hollow shells clinging on by any means necessary.


 The question we need to consider is how and why the Left and liberal left are leading the charge in covering up one of the biggest scandals in UK history. The people who make a big thing about being on the right side of history line up on the wrong side of things time and again. What's particularly galling is that the left were obsessing about pronouns and micro aggressions when working class white girls were being raped and tortured. The Left advocated for children to be genitally mutilated by trans psychos and wanted to ignore mass rape because 'wacism' I know who the dangerous lot are.


There is no way out for this so-called left. The more they are caught out, the more they dig deeper in their denial. The era of this class ruining our societies is coming to an end. It should have been a time of democratic social transformation, but this left had so little connection with ‘ordinary’ people it had no idea how to do it. So they pushed their pet causes through the institutions, and did so in manipulative and authoritarian fashion. The Greens went down the same route. They were too stupid, shallow, and naïve to ask why the doors were suddenly being opened to them to further their destructive work. They are tools and fools of a greater power. The lid is being blown off global corporate power and its principal agents. A new paradigm is emerging. It may not succeed. There is a global class war on. And the Left in this state is on the wrong side. Rather than learn from their errors and change, they double down. It’s no wonder they favour curtailing free speech. They know they don’t have the support of the people, and so want to silence the people. They will be seen as a bizarre historical aberration, like an insane medieval cult. People will read about their beliefs and laugh incredulously. And then express incredulity that they could have got as far as they did. They have not done it by merit – doors have been opened to them by more powerful players, players who want to see the division and destruction of society.


Rowling is a woman of the political Left. Like myself. We see how the contemporary 'left' is tur is making the Left toxic - has made the Left toxic - and will drive people rightwards in search of resolution to the crises they cause and exploit. But the rot is now too deep to be arrested. The Left lost the working class and has been indulging its pet prejudices for too long to change.

“The blunt reality is that compared to other scandals that captured the full attention of the media class because they reflect its liberal bias —Grenfell, Windrush, George Floyd— the much bigger scandal of the industrial-scale rape of white children was ignored then downplayed”

(Matt Goodwin).


Labour Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham attempts to defend his record on Rape Gangs claiming he organised multiple inquiries. But the inquiries barely scratched the surface and the families were convinced there was a cover up. The scope of those enquiries was very narrow, and deliberately so. Precisely the same trick that was pulled on Hillsborough, allowing the authorities to pretend that they had dealt with the issue when doing precisely the opposite.


Are they really going to sweep the child-rape gangs - sadistic sexual torture of thousands of white girls - under the carpet? AGAIN. ‘This is the worst scandal in British history,’ says Allison Pearson. ‘Other countries look on in horror and disbelief. We can’t survive as a society with this shame.’


I said the same thing on Hillsborough. Looking at the state of the country, it is easy to conclude that it didn’t survive.


As a survivor of the pens of Leppings Lane, I spent a quarter of a century demanding "justice for the 96 [97]" The truth was finally established and recognised, but there was still no justice. Do we now have to spend a quarter of a century & more demanding "justice for the 250,000+"? The truth is known now, as it was with Hillsborough. When will there be justice? Seems society didn't survive.


I wouldn’t trust Andy Burnham as far as I coulod throw him. I was one of 28,000 people attending the Hillsborough 20-year Anniversary Memorial Service, Anfield, Liverpool, April 15th, 2009, as one of the survivors, and one of those who interrupted Andy Burnham’s mealy-mouthed words with demands of “justice for the 96.”


The establishment thought that the Hillsborough campaigners would just go away. We didn’t. We got the truth established, but still received no justice.

Burnham knows.


They are in the wrong in attempting to obfuscate and ignore the rape gangs, and they know it. Keep up the pressure. Keep demanding justice. And all the time know that justice requires a root and branch change that puts an end to this rotten establishment. The status quo is dead: it is time for renewal and restoration.


This is an example of the most deprived, most impoverished, and most left behind communities whose plight is routinely ignored by the establishment, and who are routinely abused should they express their plight in public in whatever way. Abuse of the most vitriolic kind was hurled against them over the Brexit vote, from people who are plainly used to getting their way, and who were outraged when those they hold in contempt dared get in their way. They want them marginalised, silenced, suppressed. I raised the issue with respect to the summer riots, with middle class liberals sneering at those intent on robbing Greggs, claiming it was not the stuff of rebellion. I listed all the other areas where working class people in these communities challenged the global corporate narrative, only to be abused as one ‘ic’ or ‘ist’ or another by liberals like them.


This has been going on in dozens and dozens of towns, primarily in the north of England, my part of the world. I can see the injustice clearly. And I can see the extent to which liberals of various kinds don’t remotely care, and actually join in and lead the abuse at every opportunity. Many of them know the plight of poor working class people, but turn quickly to abuse whenever voices from that section of the community are raised. It is de-democratising, of course – note the love of lawfare and regulation and authoritarian imposition - but more than anything it is dehumanising. They know the truth, but deny it because it doesn’t fit the left liberal narrative of mass immigration and openly contradicts the fantasy of multiculturalism. Instead they chose to label and smear these young white working class girls and leave them to their fate. And if you lack the guts to call it out you are complicit.


I brought up the issue of ‘deaths of despair’ in these areas, deliberately testing – and contriving to expose – the fake, self-serving kindness of these lovers of all ‘humanity’ in the abstract.

The victims of these rape gangs are white working class girls from these communities. So, of course, these middle class liberals don’t give a damn. There is an issue of diversion and deflection. You don’t even need to push hard to have them laying the blame at the door of white men – when not blaming the girls directly. By ‘white men,’ they ensure that the greater burden of responsibility falls on the poor and the powerless. Comfortably off white males like those in the liberal middle class can afford such general confessions of guilt. General denunciations here harm those who lack the social and political capital to make their voices heard. And when they do succeed in raising their voices they are stopped and silenced at every turn. The authorities have hung poor working class people out to dry, and they have been allowed to get away with this by the culture of liberal middle class contempt. The irony is bitter. On the occasions I have raised class and class division I have been subject to lectures from middle class liberals to the effect – exact words – ‘class is an outmoded concept,’ an example of ‘us and them thinking’ and ‘black and white thinking’ that is ‘antiquated’ in the modern world. In response I have pointed out that we live in an ‘us and them’ world, that dominant and ruling classes throughout history have pretended that their particular interest is in the interests of all, and asked them to explain the processes lying behind the greatest transfer of wealth and resources in history that is now underway. That they go silent tells me that either they are naïve – or know find well they are waging class war in their own interests, as members of the class that speaks in general and politically neutral terms, all the better to get its own way.


If civilisation falls, it won’t be because of a threat from without or a rising from bellow. It will be because of the ideological confusion, moral cowardice and political expediency of so-called elites.


I shall end with excerpts from my account of the Hillsborough Disaster, as one who was in the pens of Leppings Lane that fateful day:


This is about more than football. This is about who we are, what we value, the way we govern our affairs, the way we relate to each other. This is about the vital roots that feed community. The Hillsborough disaster showed that there was something very rotten in our institutions, that ‘the establishment’ had something less than the public good as their first priority. Even more important, though, the fight back of the Liverpool fans and families showed that we, the so-called ‘ordinary people’, don’t have to accept what those in positions of authority and trust do to us and what they fail to do for us.



The lies told about Liverpool fans have been shown up for what they are, not just lies, but the lies of powerful people out to cover their backs and protect their interests. Cold iniquitous power carries on not just by force but by fraud, and it’s not the lies that are the problem so much as the fact that so many amongst the governed are prepared to believe them. The lesson is much greater than this. No matter how dire the situation we find ourselves in, we can do always something about it. In reclaiming the human dignity of the dead and the injured and the scarred of Hillsborough, the Liverpool campaigners reclaimed our status as citizens in a public realm that we can call our own. This is a universal theme, an enduring message to all those seeking to transform politics and society.


The effects of the disaster have reached out from Liverpool to be felt throughout the land, raising questions about authority, politics, the law, the media. But most of all the aftermath of the disaster and the response to it raises questions about ourselves: who we are, what do we expect of ourselves, of others, for ourselves, for others? How do we wish to live? Do we live for ourselves only? If I am not for others, who will be for me?


These are the deepest questions. The Liverpool campaigners answered those questions with a strength and a clarity that, finally, the massed ranks of the establishment, from incompetent, mendacious police to cynical journalists to pusillanimous politicians, had to acknowledge. Finally, the authorities have had to concede. That they could lie so big for so long says something about the institutions which purport to govern our common affairs. That they have had to give in says even more about what we can do to reclaim the government of our lives and settle that government on human dignity and decency and justice. The Hillsborough Justice campaign has been a lesson to the world as to how we may reclaim the public realm from those who misgovern and misrepresent us.


The Liverpool fans and families have done more than win a victory for truth and justice, they have shown that the attainment of these things are no mere factual settling of accounts, but are essential to giving value and meaning to life. The efforts of the Hillsborough campaigners over the period of twenty five years have given us a glimpse of a possible future and an example of how we may achieve it.


I've made my views on Hillsborough public many times. To no great response. It's almost as if middle class liberals and progressives think football supporters are hooligans, thugs, and 'far right' racists - much like the white working class in general ... Take a long, hard look at yourselves. The greatest transfer of wealth and resources to the rich in history has been underway, and the dominant voices in protest and politics are busy with causes that do nothing to check the corporatisation of the world, and plenty that advance it.

And the victims are ignored once again.

And most especially by those who have the word ‘justice’ forever on their lips.

But never, it seems, in their hearts.


Blue Labour’s statement on the grooming gangs.


Blue Labour supports the call for a national inquiry into the grooming and rape gangs.


For many of us in Blue Labour, the left’s inability to face up to the awful reality of the organised grooming and rape of young girls by men of mostly Pakistani origin across English towns severed our faith in progressive politics for good.


In the face of this reality, progressives denied, obfuscated, equivocated, averted their eyes, changed the subject. Anything but look the dark side of multiculturalism squarely in the eye.


Too many are still doing that today when they immediately pivot to talking about the far-right or Elon Musk. But this is not about them, and nor is it about the prime minister. It is about the victims and their families, and the failures at every level which enabled their abuse.


Those on the left who spoke up - Ann Cryer, Sarah Champion and others - were told to shut up. To acknowledge reality was considered ‘dog-whistling’ at best, if not outright racism. The victims were mostly poor and vulnerable, living in faraway working-class towns outside the glare of Westminster. They were easy to ignore.


In liberal society it is still seen as impolite to talk about such things. The truth is so horrific it is scarcely believable and it confounds the progressive imagination. But this squeamishness is moral cowardice and it continues to this day.


We hope the renewed attention on the most awful scandal in modern British history leads to justice for the victims. This means tougher sentencing, an end to the chilling effects of political correctness, and a total reset of our broken immigration system - including the deportation of offenders where possible.


That’s why we support the call for a new national inquiry.


Those who claim the national inquiry (IICSA) that reported in 2022 was adequate have been misinformed. Its scope was too broad, with any focus on grooming gangs incidental. It elided the central question of ethnicity and religion. And it focused on six towns where there were no reports of grooming gangs; Telford and Rochdale received no mention and Rotherham was mentioned only once.


A new inquiry must be unsparing and give voice to the many thousands of forgotten victims of this, the worst series of atrocities that have taken place in Britain since the war.


The risk of inquiries is they drag on, lawyers get rich, and recommendations get made and then ignored. This inquiry must have proper focus and be given all available powers. We need a full reckoning with this evil.

Listening to what Sarah Champion is saying now, I would say that she is obeying the order to 'shut up.' Votes, money, career.

Then there are the Greens, possibly the most smug and sanctimonious bunch of people I have ever come across in politics (I was a member for years and tended to think Greens somewhat well-meaning but naive, open to learning how to do politics better. I was far too generous in my assessment. They are middle class liberals, left liberals who have appropriated leftism from the working class, as they appropriate everything and make everything about themselves and their own interests and concerns. They have zero concern for the working class. Of course they have become part of the establishment, defaulting to existant power). I joined the Green Party when they presented themselves as the 'anti-party party.' This is Green Jenny Jones speaking in the House of Lords, as establishment as they come:


The far right constantly rants that it's immigrants to blame, but all the figures show that white British males are by far the biggest group of child rapists and abusers.

Looking at only part of the picture is stupid and nasty. (Jenny Jones of the Green Party).


Says Jenny Jones looking at only part of the picture. This is a stupid and nasty take. Stupid because it ignores per capita and ignores the fact that white perpetrators are tracked down and brought to justice. The cover ups only come when it is white working class girls who are raped. To accuse Jones of being stupid lets her off lightly. The points she makes have been rebutted over and again. Those who persist in making them do so for political reasons. That makes her nasty. And the rest of the Greens are saying the same thing. We are entitled to conclude from that that they are ‘content’ for the systematic rape of white working class girls to continue for the reason that the rapists aren’t white. To say they don’t care is the charitable view. They do care, for their own politics and prejudices. White working class girls be damned. This should be the end of the Greens as well as the Labour Party and of all parties who are prepared to sacrifice all that is decent to the ideology of multiculturalism and diversity. They’ve been caught out, they know it, and are just doubling down, on the assumption that working class people don’t have the power to fight back and can be branded ‘racist’ and ‘far right.’


The point is that gangs comprised almost exclusively of Pakistani men deliberately targeted underage girls who were almost exclusively white and working class. There was a clear and obvious pattern, and it is utterly dishonest to deny the ethnic and cultural dimensions. Dishonest is putting it mildly.


Does Jones understand what “per capita” means and its crucial importance to risk management and safeguarding? I’m pretty sure she does, she just doesn’t care.


What is stupid and nasty is the way Jones and her ilk are deliberately taking focus off the victims of the gangs, and from the fact that those guilty of harm should be brought to justice. Nothing on that from Jones, Lucas, Denyar. The Greens are morally bankrupt. Which is to say, middle class and liberal.


We should just tell middle class liberals, progressives, and leftists that the Pakistani grooming gangs targeted Sikh and Hindu girls. If we omit the targeting of white working class girls, they might be able to understand what every ordinary, decent, and normal person understands, that child rape gangs or any rape gangs are always bad, no matter who is doing the raping. But even that might not work: we need to check their hierarchy of preferences.


Sikh groups tried to bring this to the attention of officials in the 1970s and were ignored. They started vigilantism in the attempt to stop it. Only to be incarcerated while the rapists got off Scot-free.


Jones understands per capita perfectly well. She knows, too, that white rapists are pursued, arrested, and brought to justice, whereas others escaped this, their crimes covered on account of their ethnicity. None of this suits her purposes. And it is those purposes that reveal her and her ilk as downright nasty. If that doesn’t describe evil, then what on Earth does?


I saw someone bring Jones to account:


“Champion of the half-baked soundbite, green goddess of gaslighting, let’s break this one down, shall we? You’ve decided to leap onto your moral high horse—probably wind-powered, no doubt—to trot out this tired, inflammatory nonsense. But here’s the problem: your high horse has got three legs and it’s limping badly under the weight of your hypocrisy. Let’s go.


First, the audacity. You fling out a claim like that, painting white British males as some kind of predatory bogeymen, while conveniently side-stepping the inconvenient truths we all know but you’re too cowardly to confront. Rape gangs? Oh, we’ve seen those reports. The overwhelming majority, as documented in endless investigations—Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford—are made up of men from very specific ethnic and cultural backgrounds. But I bet even whispering that truth makes your quinoa curdle.


What you’re doing here isn’t "sticking up for the facts"; it’s ideological sleight of hand. You cherry-pick statistics, wave them around like some virtue-signalling wand, and expect us all to clap like trained seals. No, Jenny, we’re not buying it. This isn’t analysis; it’s anti-British propaganda wrapped up in the smug self-righteousness of your eco-socialist bubble.


Second, you dare accuse others of "looking at only part of the picture" while you’ve got your own blindfold on tighter than an Extinction Rebellion protester glued to a bus. Where’s your outrage for all victims? Or is your compassion selective, filtered through your ideological lens? Women and girls have been failed for decades by your refusal to call out cultural issues in certain communities. But instead of addressing that, you divert the conversation to make it about demonising white men. It’s lazy, dishonest, and dangerous.


And let’s not forget the implicit racism in your tweet. Yes, Jenny, racism. You’re so busy trying to out-woke the wokest that you’ve become the very thing you claim to despise. Imagine the uproar if someone made a sweeping statement about any other ethnic group in the way you just did. But no, because it’s "white British males," it’s fair game, right? Hypocrisy on steroids.


Finally, where’s your accountability? You’re in the House of Lords, for crying out loud. Supposed to be a voice of wisdom and balance, and yet here you are, slinging divisive rhetoric like a Twitter troll with a title. What exactly have you done to protect children from abuse, Jenny? Pointing fingers at one demographic while turning a blind eye to others isn’t protecting anyone; it’s playing politics with people’s lives.


So here’s the truth you’re too spineless to face: child abuse and grooming are heinous crimes committed by monsters, regardless of race. But if we’re going to solve the problem, we need to be honest about all the factors—cultural, systemic, and societal. That means dropping the woke blindfold and looking at the evidence without your Green-tinted spectacles.


You want to help victims, Jenny? Stop deflecting. Stop lying. And stop using the pain of others as a platform for your own ideological grandstanding. If you can’t do that, then do us all a favour: pipe down and let the adults handle it.” (David Crabb).


There was no response. Of course there wasn’t. That’s the nature of an aristocracy – they don’t debate and dialogue, they don’t engage, they are never accountable.


Had large groups of working class white men across 50+ towns and cities raped and tortured predominantly little black and brown girls, this would have never been off our screens and out of the news for decades. There would have been more inquiries you could shake a stick at. We saw mass protests over George Floyd. We see nothing here.


The attitudes of Jenny Jones and her likes in the establishment are precisely why this scandal has been allowed to continue for so long, with minimal justice for the victims, no consequences for those who enabled it, and no deportation where it ought to have been applicable.


Just look at the UK establishment. There is no mystery as to why the UK is laughing stock of the world. A failing state and falling society that shames all those not pushing back.


Jones fails to point out that no other group has had their crimes covered up by order of public bodies on the grounds of ethnicity. White abusers get arrested and prosecuted. That’s not an oversight on her part. Every time this issue has been raised in the past, it has been met with the same deflection, and rebutted. The likes of Jones are part of an attritional strategy which is designed to wear people down and have them think it all hopeless. I saw the same strategy at work on Hillsborough. The state set out to label, abuse, and sap the energy of the Hillsborough campaigners for justice, thinking they would finally be exhausted and go away. We carried on beyond exhaustion and had the truth established and accepted. There was still no justice.


The likes of Jones thinks this is just a race issue. The concern is also with the fact those in authority (police, social services, local authorities etc) ignored the abuse and allowed it to continue because of concerns about the race/religion of the perpetrators- not only ignored it but even persecuted the child victims and their families. Do Jones and her ilk miss this? Maybe not, given the culpability of the political class in this outrage. They may well be covering their own sorry backsides. These people know it's indefensible so they're simply doubling-down on their denial of reality. They and their interests and ideologies are implicated. They seem to think it's all just going to go away if they blame white people and call everyone 'racist' and ‘far right.’ It has worked for too long. But here is the good news for all who loathe totalitarianism and authoritarianism – reality will always reassert itself, sooner or later the truth, however horrible, will out. These people are trying to postpone the inevitable reckoning with reality. They know they are among their damned, their every word and deed reveal it.


‘When they said, Repent, Repent, Repent, I wonder what they meant.’ (Leonard Cohen, The Future).


Safeguarding minister Jess Phillips says that Elon Musk's attacks have "turned her world upside down" and left her fearful for her own safety. Poor lamb. Am I hearing this right? Jess Phillips is the real victim.


This is the Westminster-media luvvie set circling the wagons. They feel the natives closing in.


This sums up the woke leftie virus.


And then there is Pippa whoever who works at The Guardian, living it large in London, defending a failed Labour MP.


I would suggest that the tens of thousands of young white girls are the real victims of these rape squads covered up by people in authority and now in government


A girl had her tongue nailed to the table when she threatened to expose the rape gangs. Yet Jess Phillips thinks she’s the victim. It’s one for the voters. Why do you keep voting these mediocrities in, at all levels? And you should know that Phillips doesn’t believe a word of it. Her acting is appalling. They’ve been caught and they know it. She and Starmer play the victim to portray critics as aggressors. They are not even good actors. The mark of good acting is that you don’t see the mechanics at work. These people are transparent. It’s a sign of how far our society has deteriorated that these rogues and scoundrels are anywhere near office. Their feet shouldn’t touch. The victims are the white working class girls. Jess Phillips is not a victim, and her performance is utterly tasteless. It would never occur to Phillips to say “let’s not make this about me when thousands of girls were, and are still being, raped.”


This is what I get from Phillips’ response:


First, she dismisses it as ridiculous, without reason.

She feigns shock.

Proceeds with victimhood.


Attacks the messenger.

Inflates her own ego with the sentiments of I just want to get on with helping the victims because I’m such a good person.

Concludes by belittling and dismissing.


Apart from anything else, the standard of acting is utterly wretched. It’s all entirely predictable. Including Starmer’s attempt to brand all those concerned as ‘far right.’ To all the people who have been outraged by Starmer’s response here I offer these words of encouragement – the entirely predictable name-calling and labelling reveals just how weak these people are. They are empty, culpable, complicit, and have nothing to offer.

There will now be increasing suspicion over the extent of the Labour councils’ involvement in these crimes.


And, of course, the middle class feminists are pushing back too, criticising men for standing up and speaking up, getting round to blaming white men for sexual assault (the default position), and claiming that men are blaming women when asking why middle class feminists, normally so vocal on blaming men for everything, say nothing on the rape of thousands of white working class girls. They are done, too. They are useless on the big issues. Matt Goodwin says he is bored with middle class feminists on account of all of this. I’m just contemptuous.


“I'm getting a bit bored of middle-class feminists criticising men for talking about the rape gang crisis. What exactly did the Me Too movement say about the mass rape and abuse of white working-class girls?” (Matt Goodwin).


It’s an awkward question, since we know what the answer is. So get the usual deflection.


Remember all the Women’s marches with the pink pussy hats? And all the celebs who said Me Too and Believe All Women?


The secret is out: they didn’t really mean it. It was all performative, a pose to make them look good and feel good about themselves. It is much easier to make big stands on little issues than it is to stick your head above the parapet on the big issues.


“Believe all women.” Unless they are poor, white, from the North of England or the Midlands, are from a council estate. Oh, and Jewish. The more Chelsea you are, the more woman you are.


Poor white working-class girls getting raped by the men of violence infringes on the lived experience of successful middle class professional women hard done to by the patriarchy.

Yes, they are that confused, privileged, and neurotic.


On each and every issue, the middle class look after their own, and don’t give a damn about working class people, neither men nor women nor children. The hands of the middle class are all over the mediocrity and degeneracy of the age.


I’ll try and phrase it more diplomatically, to show I can be quite reasonable. Some (not all) middle class feminists only care about middle class feminists. That's why it is often fringe feminist issues cut through to the BBC and the much bigger issues faced by working class women are ignored.


"Men" aren't the rapists either. Only Radial Feminists have been claiming they are.


Also, men criticize Feminists for being utterly useless on this issue, not "women" as a sex.


But thanks for demonstrating an example of how dishonest Radical Feminist arguments are.


Men are pointing out the some women are giving cover to the rapists.  Legit.


Such men are pointing out the hypocrisy of those who speak up for women who were assaulted or taken advantage of, and rightly, so but decide not to speak up for helpless little girls who were raped and tortured.


I would suggest that those engaged in deflection and diversion be made to show some evidence that they have actually read the transcripts now available about the atrocities committed by Pakistan led rape gangs praying on children. I saw one bearded lefty being interviewed admitting he had never read the transcripts, this despite the fact he was holding forth on all the predictable lines.

Having a tally sheet so you can tick off how many goes you have had with a 12 year old girl in multiple orifices, whilst the boss man argued over his fees, whilst using a device so four men could penetrate a 12 year old at the same time after she has been plied with drink is not a lifestyle choice on the part of the girls, as Gordon Brown and the Home Office in the day suggested.


The lack of empathy is of a piece with the inhumanism of the age. This is the ruling class in an age of technocratic nihilism.


If you’re British and your priority is to attack Elon Musk for exposing the scandal, rather than demand to know why your government failed to tackle mass rape by Muslim gangs, you might want to ask if you’re really one of life’s good guys.


Talking of which, I come to Carla Denyer, leader of the Green Party.

“I've been shocked by the outrageous smears being pushed by Elon Musk … We must stand up to this right-wing billionaire's attempt to subvert our democracy.”


When everyone is talking about the cover up and state complicity in the case of five decades of Pakistani Muslim paedophile grooming gangs raping thousands of girls I think the word “shocked” is a tad insulting when talking about anything else. (Kellie-Jay Keen).


Kellie Jay Keen is a working class woman speaking up for women. Of course she is excoriated. She has no time for middle class feminists, and sees them as pursuing their own agendas, speaking for all women when they speak only for themselves. Like those self-appointed community leaders.


Aren't you lucky that you weren't vulnerable and gang-raped, having your #### stretched ready, by several evil grown men. Sorry to be indelicate but I'm just seeing a lot of powerful people, people in positions to make a difference, feeling sorry for themselves. And know it to be an act. Never mind the poor girls eh?


These people are a bigger "threat to our Democracy" than any foreign Billionaire who can't vote here will ever be. They are the ones who have been presiding over the rape of Britain.


Those who are more concerned about Elon Musk talking about the child rape gangs rather than the actual crimes are the problem.


But yes, Carla Denyer, up against Soros, Bill Gates, Larry Fink and others billionaires who are subverting democracy and the will of the people!!! I strongly support you in this battle!!!

I’ve been arguing this very thing my entire life. It’s interesting that the 83 billionaires backing Kamala Harris – far more than were backing Donald Trump – attracted no hostile comment. They actually took it as an endorsement.


“Farage’s refusal to condemn Musk’s outrageous statements shows total unfitness for public office.” Caroline Lucas. Another Green. “Are you ok with the mass rape and torture of children then?” she was asked. We await a reply. Of course.


Is not justice for them more important than your faux outrage at critical words spoken in genuine disgust at what has been condoned in the UK?


Is that all the Greens stand for?


I think Caroline is missing the point. Either because she is stupid, or because she is downright nasty. Like Jenny Jones. She deflects away from the brutality inflicted on these girls, so in effect apologises for it, buries it, or enables it. It is still going on. What are the Greens doing to call it out?


Why are all politicians going after the people exposing child rape and not the child rapists?

I can't imagine on any human level not wanting justice for hurt and abused little girls.

The world is looking at the UK in disbelief and disgust at what has been allowed to happen. And yet still proper investigation and accountability are rejected. There's only one logical conclusion and we all know what that is. This goes high. Right to the top.




Stop the pathetic deflection and how about some condemnation for the mass gang rape and torture of 250,00-+ children.


Do you support a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of my town’s children? Let’s start here.


Still no response from Lucas to these perfectly reasonable question. They speak only to their own kind.


Keir Starmer’s first 6 months as a Prime Minister can be defined as punishing pensioners, farmers, students, the disabled, WASPI women and small businesses while smearing and undermining the concerns of working class people in many tragically forgotten communities as “far-right”.


Starmer’s Labour – like other mainstream parties – is more thrall to billionaires like Bill Gates, corporations like BlackRock, and visiting Davos rather than empathising and serving the general public. And all of this is wrapped around that horrendously sanctimonious, patronising and po-faced manner of his. Macron, Trudeau, Adern … join the dots, make a picture, win a prize.


“What sickens me about left-wing people, especially the intellectuals, is their utter ignorance of the way things actually happen.” (George Orwell).


Nobody can treat a country seriously that would deliberately do this to its own children. If the UK can't answer for this then it has truly fallen and no longer stands for the most basic decency, let alone the high standards of individual liberty founded on the Magna Carta, which it constantly thwarts now at every turn. More stifling of speech is just adding more tyranny on top of cowardice and betrayal while posing as idealistic and enlightened. The performative altruism of the elites sacrificed the children of the poor on the altar of their own unrepentant narcissism.



‘I wonder when regular readers, many lifelong socialists, discovered that they were in fact “far right.” My own epiphany came when I first expressed the opinion that men should not be allowed to play as ersatz “women” in women’s sports. I was then kindly informed of my “fascism.” (Colin Wynter KC)


‘I have been left my entire adult life. I discovered that I was really “far right” when I expressed the view that men don’t belong in women’s toilets/sports and I supported free speech. Now I am being told that it’s “far right” to excoriate institutionalized rape. No way. No more.’ (Prof. Gary Francione).


If I had an epiphanic moment it came in 2020, when I saw the ‘Lockdown Left’ damn conservatives leery of the accumulation of government powers to Hades, demanding that people mask up and shut themselves in isolation, only to be out on the streets on mass over George Floyd, justifying rioting and looting across towns and cities. They hypocrisy was stark. And then, yes, we got the issue of women’s sports, with leftists happily throwing female athletes under the bus. I also noted the protests of the people of Kirkby againsy sexual harrassment by immigrants. This story was denied. The people got filmed evidence. Still no action was taken. They took to the streets, to be met with bussed in anti-racist protestors denouncing the people of Kirkby as ‘far right’ Kirkby is one of the poorest towns in the UK, the people are overwhelmingly working class, and solidly Labour. I was born and lived four miles from Kirkby. I know the place and people well. The people are not “far right.” I made this comment on social media. The liberals, leftists, greens, and progressives I have acuired as ‘friends’ completely ignored it.


As Professor Gary Francione puts it: now way, no more. Those who are calling this wrong are done. It may take time, it may take a couple of generations. But they are done. They have wondered into an unreality pocket of politics and ideology. They are at variance with reality, common moral reason, and basic decency.


"Britain now stands shamed before the world. The public’s suppressed wrath is bubbling to the surface in petitions, calls for a public inquiry, and demands for accountability.


The scandal is already reshaping British politics. It’s not just about the heinous nature of the crimes. It’s that every level of the British system is implicated in the cover-up.


Social workers were intimidated into silence. Local police ignored, excused, and even abetted paedophile rapists across dozens of cities. Senior police and Home Office officials deliberately avoided action in the name of maintaining what they called “community relations.” Local councillors and Members of Parliament rejected pleas for help from the parents of raped children. Fathers of children were arrested or threatened with arrest when they sought to protect their daughters. Charities, NGOs, and Labour MPs accused those who discussed the scandal of racism and Islamophobia. The media mostly ignored or downplayed the biggest story of their lifetimes. Zealous in their incuriosity, much of Britain’s media elite remained barnacled to the bubble of Westminster politics and its self-serving priorities.


They did this to defend a failed model of multiculturalism, and to avoid asking hard questions about failures of immigration policy and assimilation. They did this because they were afraid of being called racist or Islamophobic. They did this because Britain’s traditional class snobbery had fused with the new snobbery of political correctness.


All of which is why no one knows precisely how many thousands of young girls were raped in how many towns across Britain since the 1970s.


Your time is up, you are done.


The liberal left know that a no-holds barred public inquiry into Pakistani rape gangs risks exposing some of the real-world effects of the hard multiculturalism they have long promoted. That's why they have set their faces against it. My


I’m done with lies, and cover ups, and liars – all those who deflect, deceive, dissemble, and divert to cover up their deluded ideologies, political commitments, and material interests.

I saw it all with Hillsborough. The struggle for truth and justice took more than a quarter of a century out of the lives of people. The truth was established but there was still no justice. I pointed out to people that this is the establishment, this is how it operates, it’s a problem you need to address.


If you think class is an outmoded concept, then open your eyes.

If you think ordinary people still on nodding terms with all that is decent, moral, and holy are ‘far right,’ then be careful what you wish for.


And if you don’t like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson, then ask yourself why it has been left to them to give voice to the complaint of the people, and not you.


I’ve been looking at the statements of prominent politicians from all parties. Pathetic the lot of them. Good riddance.


Musk called Liberal Democrat leader a ‘snivelling coward.’ I’d say that goes for the rest of them, except that many are much worse than that.

“The far right constantly rants that it's immigrants to blame, but all the figures show that white British males are by far the biggest group of child rapists and abusers.

Looking at only part of the picture is stupid and nasty.” (Jenny Jones of the Green Party).


This is a stupid and nasty take. Stupid because it ignores per capita and ignores the fact that white perpetrators are tracked down and brought to justice. The cover ups only come when it is white working class girls who are raped. To accuse Jones of being stupid lets her off lightly. The points she makes have been rebutted over and again. Those who persist in making them do so for political reasons. That makes her nasty. And the rest of the Greens are saying the same thing. We are entitled to conclude from that that they are ‘content’ for the systematic rape of white working class girls to continue for the reason that the rapists aren’t white. To say they don’t care is the charitable view. They do care, for their own politics and prejudices. White working class girls be damned. This should be the end of the Greens as well as the Labour Party and of all parties who are prepared to sacrifice all that is decent to the ideology of multiculturalism and diversity. They’ve been caught out, they know it, and are just doubling down, on the assumption that working class people don’t have the power to fight back and can be branded ‘racist’ and ‘far right.’


The point is that gangs comprised almost exclusively of Pakistani men deliberately targeted underage girls who were almost exclusively white and working class. There was a clear and obvious pattern, and it is utterly dishonest to deny the ethnic and cultural dimensions. Dishonest is putting it mildly.


Does Jones understand what “per capita” means and its crucial importance to risk management and safeguarding? I’m pretty sure she does, she just doesn’t care.


What is stupid and nasty is the way Jones and her ilk are deliberately taking focus off the victims of the gangs, and from the fact that those guilty of harm should be brought to justice. Nothing on that from Jones, Lucas, Denyar. The Greens are morally bankrupt. Which is to say, middle class and liberal.


We should just tell middle class liberals, progressives, and leftists that the Pakistani grooming gangs targeted Sikh and Hindu girls. If we omit the targeting of white working class girls, they might be able to understand what every ordinary, decent, and normal person understands, that child rape gangs or any rape gangs are always bad, no matter who is doing the raping. But even that might not work: we need to check their hierarchy of preferences.


Sikh groups tried to bring this to the attention of officials in the 1970s and were ignored. They started vigilantism in the attempt to stop it. Only to be incarcerated while the rapists got off Scot-free.


Jones understands per capita perfectly well. She knows, too, that white rapists are pursued, arrested, and brought to justice, whereas others escaped this, their crimes covered on account of their ethnicity. None of this suits her purposes. And it is those purposes that reveal her and her ilk as downright nasty. If that doesn’t describe evil, then what on Earth does?


I saw someone bring Jones to account:


“Champion of the half-baked soundbite, green goddess of gaslighting, let’s break this one down, shall we? You’ve decided to leap onto your moral high horse—probably wind-powered, no doubt—to trot out this tired, inflammatory nonsense. But here’s the problem: your high horse has got three legs and it’s limping badly under the weight of your hypocrisy. Let’s go.


First, the audacity. You fling out a claim like that, painting white British males as some kind of predatory bogeymen, while conveniently side-stepping the inconvenient truths we all know but you’re too cowardly to confront. Rape gangs? Oh, we’ve seen those reports. The overwhelming majority, as documented in endless investigations—Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford—are made up of men from very specific ethnic and cultural backgrounds. But I bet even whispering that truth makes your quinoa curdle.


What you’re doing here isn’t "sticking up for the facts"; it’s ideological sleight of hand. You cherry-pick statistics, wave them around like some virtue-signalling wand, and expect us all to clap like trained seals. No, Jenny, we’re not buying it. This isn’t analysis; it’s anti-British propaganda wrapped up in the smug self-righteousness of your eco-socialist bubble.


Second, you dare accuse others of "looking at only part of the picture" while you’ve got your own blindfold on tighter than an Extinction Rebellion protester glued to a bus. Where’s your outrage for all victims? Or is your compassion selective, filtered through your ideological lens? Women and girls have been failed for decades by your refusal to call out cultural issues in certain communities. But instead of addressing that, you divert the conversation to make it about demonising white men. It’s lazy, dishonest, and dangerous.


And let’s not forget the implicit racism in your tweet. Yes, Jenny, racism. You’re so busy trying to out-woke the wokest that you’ve become the very thing you claim to despise. Imagine the uproar if someone made a sweeping statement about any other ethnic group in the way you just did. But no, because it’s "white British males," it’s fair game, right? Hypocrisy on steroids.


Finally, where’s your accountability? You’re in the House of Lords, for crying out loud. Supposed to be a voice of wisdom and balance, and yet here you are, slinging divisive rhetoric like a Twitter troll with a title. What exactly have you done to protect children from abuse, Jenny? Pointing fingers at one demographic while turning a blind eye to others isn’t protecting anyone; it’s playing politics with people’s lives.


So here’s the truth you’re too spineless to face: child abuse and grooming are heinous crimes committed by monsters, regardless of race. But if we’re going to solve the problem, we need to be honest about all the factors—cultural, systemic, and societal. That means dropping the woke blindfold and looking at the evidence without your Green-tinted spectacles.


You want to help victims, Jenny? Stop deflecting. Stop lying. And stop using the pain of others as a platform for your own ideological grandstanding. If you can’t do that, then do us all a favour: pipe down and let the adults handle it.” (David Crabb).


There was no response. Of course there wasn’t. That’s the nature of an aristocracy – they don’t debate and dialogue, they don’t engage, they are never accountable.


Had large groups of working class white men across 50+ towns and cities raped and tortured predominantly little black and brown girls, this would have never been off our screens and out of the news for decades. There would have been more inquiries you could shake a stick at. We saw mass protests over George Floyd. We see nothing here.


The attitudes of Jenny Jones and her likes in the establishment are precisely why this scandal has been allowed to continue for so long, with minimal justice for the victims, no consequences for those who enabled it, and no deportation where it ought to have been applicable.


Just look at the UK establishment. There is no mystery as to why the UK is laughing stock of the world. A failing state and falling society that shames all those not pushing back.


Jones fails to point out that no other group has had their crimes covered up by order of public bodies on the grounds of ethnicity. White abusers get arrested and prosecuted. That’s not an oversight on her part. Every time this issue has been raised in the past, it has been met with the same deflection, and rebutted. The likes of Jones are part of an attritional strategy which is designed to wear people down and have them think it all hopeless. I saw the same strategy at work on Hillsborough. The state set out to label, abuse, and sap the energy of the Hillsborough campaigners for justice, thinking they would finally be exhausted and go away. We carried on beyond exhaustion and had the truth established and accepted. There was still no justice.


The likes of Jones thinks this is just a race issue. The concern is also with the fact those in authority (police, social services, local authorities etc) ignored the abuse and allowed it to continue because of concerns about the race/religion of the perpetrators- not only ignored it but even persecuted the child victims and their families. Do Jones and her ilk miss this? Maybe not, given the culpability of the political class in this outrage. They may well be covering their own sorry backsides. These people know it's indefensible so they're simply doubling-down on their denial of reality. They and their interests and ideologies are implicated. They seem to think it's all just going to go away if they blame white people and call everyone 'racist' and ‘far right.’ It has worked for too long. But here is the good news for all who loathe totalitarianism and authoritarianism – reality will always reassert itself, sooner or later the truth, however horrible, will out. These people are trying to postpone the inevitable reckoning with reality. They know they are among their damned, their every word and deed reveal it.


‘When they said, Repent, Repent, Repent, I wonder what they meant.’ (Leonard Cohen, The Future).


Here are the words of Jordan Peterson to Piers Morgan. It ‘has put Canada in the doldrums that it's in and is also responsible for the state of your country which is dreadful. I don't know if if you guys in the UK understand how sad it is for us in Canada and in the United States to watch what you're doing to yourself. The UK is a great country. When I go there I go to Oxford I go to to Cambridge, to these to these remarkable places in London, see your unbelievable deep history, understand how much the world owes the UK in terms of the establishment of common law and decent government. We owe the UK such an immense debt and to watch you guys spiral yourselves into the ground for these for this idiot weak political correctness that's gone so far that you can allow your working class women to be raped on mass sadistically and say nothing about it and gas light people who are telling the truth, it's so sickening, it's so demoralizing it's almost unspeakable. We all pray hope and pray here in Canada and the US that you get your act together and grow some spine again and put your damn country back together and stand up to these bloody psychopathic bullies.’


It’s worse than that, in that these working class women were actually girls as young as 11 and 12.


If you don’t like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson, then ask yourself why it is left to them to speak up. When have you ever spoken up? I see little but deflection and diversion. And labelling and cowardice. I saw it in the past. I am seeing it now. They are the same tactics I saw at play on Hillsborough. The lives of working class men, women, and children count for nothing to the middle and upper middle class, the ‘bourgeois.’ When working class people have the temerity to speak up they are branded ‘far right’ and ‘fascist.’ They are silencing words, and very effective when used against working class people pushed out to the margins of society. They are also words applied to Musk and Peterson. I did enjoy Elon Musk’s description of Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey as a ‘snivelling coward.’ There are a lot of cowards in this world. If you are still maintaining a silence now, when this outrage is out in the open, then your cowardice is complicity. Stop leaving it to others to put their heads above the parapet to be shot at by the establishment and its lackeys. Find a backbone. It just might be that you are soft, supine, and beaten, and that the death of the UK came with the political defeat and social destruction of the working class in the 1980s. The working class are having that defeat rubbed in their face, daily, from ‘deaths of despair’ to mass rape. And people stand idly by, taking note of the existence of the working class only when they have the temerity to vote Brexit. How dare poor people stand in the way of our interests and preferences!


Katherine Birbalisingh writes on ‘the contempt for the working classes … My goodness. It is unforgivable.’


I’m not outraged, I’m not shocked, I’m not surprised. I’ve been detailing this class contempt and condesension since ever, taking particular note of those comfortably off people who say that class is an outmoded ‘us and them’ concept. They are members of the class of People Like Us, who think their interests and concerns are the interests and concerns of all. As every dominant class in history does. You should try being on of the ‘them,’ the people on the receiving end of principles and policies advanced by those at a safe distance from the costs and the consequences.


It’s not that I am out of words. It’s that I no longer share them with those who share that contempt, or remain silent in the presence of evident injustice.


A professor meets his former PhD student and asks him what he is researching now:


Student: the survival of the class system in the USA.

Professor: I didn’t know there was a class system in the USA.

Student: that’s why it survives.


Ignored and treated with contempt and disdain.

Victimised twice is what you hear from survivors, to be ‘not believed’ twice.

This is why Hillsborough survivors made such a big thing of truth.

Maggie Oliver recommends that we stay focused on the facts, and not the rhetoric or the politics.


It’s sound advice, but politics and ideology lie at the root of this and need to be addressed. In doing so, keep the horrible truth of what has happened here in view – and don’t allow people to make other things (Musk etc.) the issue.


But I shall give this warning in light of my experience of Hillsborough and its aftermath: establishing the facts is not enough. Facts in themselves are not decisive. The truth was established with regard to Hillsborough. There was no justice.


That old joke is now general.


Safeguarding minister Jess Phillips says that Elon Musk's attacks have "turned her world upside down" and left her fearful for her own safety. Poor lamb. Am I hearing this right? Jess Phillips is the real victim.


This is the Westminster-media luvvie set circling the wagons. They feel the natives closing in.


This sums up the woke leftie virus.


And then there is Pippa whoever who works at The Guardian, living it large in London, defending a failed Labour MP.


I would suggest that the tens of thousands of young white girls are the real victims of these rape squads covered up by people in authority and now in government


A girl had her tongue nailed to the table when she threatened to expose the rape gangs. Yet Jess Phillips thinks she’s the victim. It’s one for the voters. Why do you keep voting these mediocrities in, at all levels? And you should know that Phillips doesn’t believe a word of it. Her acting is appalling. They’ve been caught and they know it. She and Starmer play the victim to portray critics as aggressors. They are not even good actors. The mark of good acting is that you don’t see the mechanics at work. These people are transparent. It’s a sign of how far our society has deteriorated that these rogues and scoundrels are anywhere near office. Their feet shouldn’t touch. The victims are the white working class girls. Jess Phillips is not a victim, and her performance is utterly tasteless. It would never occur to Phillips to say “let’s not make this about me when thousands of girls were, and are still being, raped.”


This is what I get from Phillips’ response:


First, she dismisses it as ridiculous, without reason.

She feigns shock.

Proceeds with victimhood.


Attacks the messenger.

Inflates her own ego with the sentiments of I just want to get on with helping the victims because I’m such a good person.

Concludes by belittling and dismissing.


Apart from anything else, the standard of acting is utterly wretched. It’s all entirely predictable. Including Starmer’s attempt to brand all those concerned as ‘far right.’ To all the people who have been outraged by Starmer’s response here I offer these words of encouragement – the entirely predictable name-calling and labelling reveals just how weak these people are. They are empty, culpable, complicit, and have nothing to offer.

There will now be increasing suspicion over the extent of the Labour councils’ involvement in these crimes.


And, of course, the middle class feminists are pushing back too, criticising men for standing up and speaking up, getting round to blaming white men for sexual assault (the default position), and claiming that men are blaming women when asking why middle class feminists, normally so vocal on blaming men for everything, say nothing on the rape of thousands of white working class girls. They are done, too. They are useless on the big issues. Matt Goodwin says he is bored with middle class feminists on account of all of this. I’m just contemptuous.


“I'm getting a bit bored of middle-class feminists criticising men for talking about the rape gang crisis. What exactly did the Me Too movement say about the mass rape and abuse of white working-class girls?” (Matt Goodwin).


It’s an awkward question, since we know what the answer is. So get the usual deflection.


Remember all the Women’s marches with the pink pussy hats? And all the celebs who said Me Too and Believe All Women?


The secret is out: they didn’t really mean it. It was all performative, a pose to make them look good and feel good about themselves. It is much easier to make big stands on little issues than it is to stick your head above the parapet on the big issues.


“Believe all women.” Unless they are poor, white, from the North of England or the Midlands, are from a council estate. Oh, and Jewish. The more Chelsea you are, the more woman you are.


Poor white working-class girls getting raped by the men of violence infringes on the lived experience of successful middle class professional women hard done to by the patriarchy.

Yes, they are that confused, privileged, and neurotic.


On each and every issue, the middle class look after their own, and don’t give a damn about working class people, neither men nor women nor children. The hands of the middle class are all over the mediocrity and degeneracy of the age.


I’ll try and phrase it more diplomatically, to show I can be quite reasonable. Some (not all) middle class feminists only care about middle class feminists. That's why it is often fringe feminist issues cut through to the BBC and the much bigger issues faced by working class women are ignored.


"Men" aren't the rapists either. Only Radial Feminists have been claiming they are.


Also, men criticize Feminists for being utterly useless on this issue, not "women" as a sex.


But thanks for demonstrating an example of how dishonest Radical Feminist arguments are.


Men are pointing out the some women are giving cover to the rapists.  Legit.


Such men are pointing out the hypocrisy of those who speak up for women who were assaulted or taken advantage of, and rightly, so but decide not to speak up for helpless little girls who were raped and tortured.


I would suggest that those engaged in deflection and diversion be made to show some evidence that they have actually read the transcripts now available about the atrocities committed by Pakistan led rape gangs praying on children. I saw one bearded lefty being interviewed admitting he had never read the transcripts, this despite the fact he was holding forth on all the predictable lines.

Having a tally sheet so you can tick off how many goes you have had with a 12 year old girl in multiple orifices, whilst the boss man argued over his fees, whilst using a device so four men could penetrate a 12 year old at the same time after she has been plied with drink is not a lifestyle choice on the part of the girls, as Gordon Brown and the Home Office in the day suggested.


The lack of empathy is of a piece with the inhumanism of the age. This is the ruling class in an age of technocratic nihilism.


If you’re British and your priority is to attack Elon Musk for exposing the scandal, rather than demand to know why your government failed to tackle mass rape by Muslim gangs, you might want to ask if you’re really one of life’s good guys.


Talking of which, I come to Carla Denyer, leader of the Green Party.

“I've been shocked by the outrageous smears being pushed by Elon Musk … We must stand up to this right-wing billionaire's attempt to subvert our democracy.”


When everyone is talking about the cover up and state complicity in the case of five decades of Pakistani Muslim paedophile grooming gangs raping thousands of girls I think the word “shocked” is a tad insulting when talking about anything else. (Kellie-Jay Keen).


Kellie Jay Keen is a working class woman speaking up for women. Of course she is excoriated. She has no time for middle class feminists, and sees them as pursuing their own agendas, speaking for all women when they speak only for themselves. Like those self-appointed community leaders.


Aren't you lucky that you weren't vulnerable and gang-raped, having your #### stretched ready, by several evil grown men. Sorry to be indelicate but I'm just seeing a lot of powerful people, people in positions to make a difference, feeling sorry for themselves. And know it to be an act. Never mind the poor girls eh?


These people are a bigger "threat to our Democracy" than any foreign Billionaire who can't vote here will ever be. They are the ones who have been presiding over the rape of Britain.


Those who are more concerned about Elon Musk talking about the child rape gangs rather than the actual crimes are the problem.


But yes, Carla Denyer, up against Soros, Bill Gates, Larry Fink and others billionaires who are subverting democracy and the will of the people!!! I strongly support you in this battle!!!

I’ve been arguing this very thing my entire life. It’s interesting that the 83 billionaires backing Kamala Harris – far more than were backing Donald Trump – attracted no hostile comment. They actually took it as an endorsement.


“Farage’s refusal to condemn Musk’s outrageous statements shows total unfitness for public office.” Caroline Lucas. Another Green. “Are you ok with the mass rape and torture of children then?” she was asked. We await a reply. Of course.


Is not justice for them more important than your faux outrage at critical words spoken in genuine disgust at what has been condoned in the UK?


Is that all the Greens stand for?


I think Caroline is missing the point. Either because she is stupid, or because she is downright nasty. Like Jenny Jones. She deflects away from the brutality inflicted on these girls, so in effect apologises for it, buries it, or enables it. It is still going on. What are the Greens doing to call it out?


Why are all politicians going after the people exposing child rape and not the child rapists?

I can't imagine on any human level not wanting justice for hurt and abused little girls.

The world is looking at the UK in disbelief and disgust at what has been allowed to happen. And yet still proper investigation and accountability are rejected. There's only one logical conclusion and we all know what that is. This goes high. Right to the top.


Stop the pathetic deflection and how about some condemnation for the mass gang rape and torture of 250,00-+ children.


Do you support a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of my town’s children? Let’s start here.


Still no response from Lucas to these perfectly reasonable question. They speak only to their own kind.


Keir Starmer’s first 6 months as a Prime Minister can be defined as punishing pensioners, farmers, students, the disabled, WASPI women and small businesses while smearing and undermining the concerns of working class people in many tragically forgotten communities as “far-right”.


Starmer’s Labour – like other mainstream parties – is more thrall to billionaires like Bill Gates, corporations like BlackRock, and visiting Davos rather than empathising and serving the general public. And all of this is wrapped around that horrendously sanctimonious, patronising and po-faced manner of his. Macron, Trudeau, Adern … all those making a fuss about Musk .. join the dots, make a picture, win a prize.


"The UK is so vulnerable to being influenced by money coming in from people like Musk into our political system because we don't have any checks and balances." (Former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas on Musk and British politics.)


Why has she never spoken out about George Soros, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Blackrock etc? Because she is aligned with their politics but not Musk’s. She’s a hypocrite.


But she didn’t care about George Soros partly fuming remain in EU campaign or Bill Gates at heart of this government having private meetings with PM with Fink, Bezos grant for U.K. farm animals vaccines, Bovaer added to cow feed our food chain. Labour, Greens et al have been infiltrated. It’s precisely how the extension of the corporate form proceeds.

Talking of environmentalists


‘Women and Muslims are once again being treated like political footballs by the right-wing, media and politicians (and the odd billionaire) …’ (Dale Vince).

Dale Vince, in sanctimonious fashion, panders to the woke, radical left, declaring Muslims the real victims, ignoring the suffering of those victimized by Muslim rape gangs. This repetitive, transparent tactic from the left's playbook is now a tedious cliché.

No mention of the hundreds of thousands of white British working class children and young girls traumatised for life or murdered. What a piece of work.


They were underage girls, which is to say children, not women. Even more precisely, they were white working class girls. And I would listen to them rather than any virtue-signalling subsidy-millionaire. They were used as political footballs by means of covering up and denying what was happening to them. Calling everyone who called it out 'far right' is worthy of the World Cup of political football.


The eco-tycoon turned virtue signalling machine. "Women and Muslims being treated like political footballs"? Spare me the faux outrage. This coming from a bloke who bankrolls leftist chaos while pretending to be the arbiter of morality. You’ve made millions flogging your green fantasy while everyday Brits freeze in their homes thanks to sky high energy bills. Perhaps your soapbox would be better placed helping the nation afford heating instead of spouting Twitter platitudes.


You want to talk about women? Where were you when gender ideologues started bulldozing over their rights? Silent. Muslims? Are you speaking up for those silenced by religious extremism in their own communities? Thought not.


You’re not some champion of justice, Dale. You’re another out-of-touch elitist, cosplaying as a saviour while sneering at anyone who doesn’t share your cosy, woke delusions. Here’s a tip: real people see through this performative nonsense. If you really cared about women and Muslims, you’d stop using them as your political football to score cheap points.


Instead, how about keeping quiet and letting those with skin in the game fight for the rights you so conveniently ignore when it doesn’t fit your narrative? (David Crabb).


Leftists, liberals, progressives, greens, everyone – if you are not standing up and speaking out for these vulnerable girls, you are vomitable.


What sickens me about left-wing people, especially the intellectuals, is their utter ignorance of the way things actually happen. (George Orwell).


It depends which 'intellectuals' you are talking about. Many of them do know how things happen in a power-infused world, and it is those who call them out according to truth and justice who are naive. But many are indeed blinded by the ideology, mistaking ideology's function to be that of presenting a true picture of reality, rather than concealing and covering up the iniquities of thwat reality in order to preserve power.

Let's start with the journalists. Certain journalists (make the fine distinctions, to avoid the issue being drawn into endless debates over nomenclature - my brother is a journalist).

Beth Rigby writes: “The treatment of Jess Phllips over recent days tells me all I need to know about the epidemic of misogyny, sexual abuse and violence against women and girls that still plagues our culture.”

“The domestic violence campaigner-turned politician, who has spent her career fighting for victims, has found herself the subject of abuse on an industrial scale over the past week that has put her in danger, and, in dark moments, left her wondering whether she should give up frontline politics for good and go back to the women’s hostels where her journey to champion vulnerable women and girls began.”


You don’t need an exposé here, the mechanics are in plain view. The attention is switched from the specifics to generalities, from the white working class girls who are the girls and the Pakistini rape gangs who are the perpetrators to .. Jess Phillips, who is now the victim, and those who criticise her role in covering up this scandal as perpetrators. Aren’t they clever? Creating false victims among the establishment to take attention away from the actual victims. Like we haven’t spotted it. Of course, they know they will be spotted, and don’t care one jot. It’s a calculation of power – they are speaking only to People Like Us in their own circle, in the belief that those who call them out are too powerless or disorganised to fight back. This is what happens when politics and ethics – and transcendent standards of truth and justice – are reduced to power. You can call people like this out by way of those standards, but they are not the standards they operate by, and people need to learn this lesson quickly.

‘Who is trying to make this all about Jess Phillips? Please focus on tbe thousands of kids. The impact on Jess is not all you need to know about this story and it is profoundly depressing to hear you think that. Do your job.’ (Eli Braille).

You may well agree with that sentiment, but the truth is that the likes of Beth Rigby are doing their job: they serve power, not truth and justice, and they spin facts and realities to that end. They care for people as little as they care for truth and justice.


Establishment shills desperately circling the wagons mendacious, mediocre politicians in the attempt to distory truth and deny justice to the victims of organised child abuse.

I shall keep saying it: I saw precisely the same thing with regard to Hillsborough. And I will keep saying it to underline this profound lesson: pointing out the truth is not enough to secure justice, for the reason we are confronted by brute, naked power within asymmetrical class relations. Those asserting power from above care nothing for truth and justice, and you make a grave error when you assume they do or must. I knew in 1989 that there would be no justice for the victims of Hillsborough, and so went away and studied the nature of truth and justice within power-infused social and political relations. It is these relations that stand in need of transformation by way of truth and justice. That was the conclusion of my doctoral work in the 1990s.


And now the academics. (Certain academics, make the fine distinctions, to avoid the issue being drawn into endless debates over nomenclature - I have been an academic, having attended seven universities). 'I chaired a debate once on child abuse, into which we unwisely squeezed grooming gangs ... what struck me most was a young academic who refused to acknowledge they even exist. If you call everything a right wing construction, as he did, it ceases to be' (Dave Clement).

This the endless game-playing that ontological anti-realism mires society in - all standards of truth reduce to power and are matters of social construction and narrativity, the ones of which we approve exist, the ones of which we disapprove don't exist. Reality is denied.

Academia has always downplayed the grooming-gangs scandal. Researchers' class prejudice blinded them to the suffering of working-class girls. They treat every attempt to highlight this abuse as a far-right provocation, writes Lisa McKenzie.


All ideologies are blind to realities, or skew realities, serving power by concealing its reality and rationalising its effects. I would have thought that the job of academics is to expose asymmetrical relations of power. The exposure underway in the academy, as well as culture and politics is skewed according to a hierarchy of preferences and prejudices, rather than by a critique according to universal standards.


The class hatred of the ‘elites’ towards their fellow citizens – ‘ordinary’ people dismissed as ‘uneducated’ and worse – is palpable. The anti-democratic animus is at base inhuman, depriving people of their voice in politics, and of their humanity in general. We ought to know where this road leads – we are seeing it in real time. Or, at least, those who are not wearing the ideological blinkers are seeing it.



McKenzie begins by referring to an article she wrote for the Guardian about working-class fears and concerns over refugees being accommodated in their midst (The refugee crisis will hit the UK’s working class areas hardest, The Guardian, 16th September 2015). These concerns had been ignored by those in power, the fears denounced as racist. ‘As soon as it was published, the backlash began. My fellow academics accused me of racism and likened me to Enoch Powell. They ridiculed me in private email exchanges and publicly denounced me, including in the Guardian itself. Blogs and academic peer-reviewed articles characterised me as a far-right extremist.’ McKenzie is not surprised that ‘many academics have long refused to acknowledge the horrific reality of the grooming-gangs scandal,’ for the reason ‘they are blinded by their class prejudices.’ ‘Academia has played a key role in downplaying the rape and abuse of young, working-class girls by criminal fraternities of predominantly Pakistani men.’ The ‘grooming’ gangs scandal remains an open wound: ‘This is due to the inaction of the authorities, the obfuscation of the justice system and perhaps, above all, the refusal to have the uncomfortable conversations needed about class, race and sex in the UK. Instead, we have had to endure middle-class liberals, telling us over and over that diversity is our strength without ever confronting the real issues.’


Academic research holds a lot of power in legitimising the plight of the powerless. It is cited by policymakers, by public inquiries, the media, and politicians. And yet ‘academia has played a central role in delegitimising the experiences and stories of working-class women and girls.’ If you search for academic research on ‘grooming gangs’, ‘you will only find articles trying to dismiss the rape and abuse of mostly white working-class children and teenagers by groups of mainly Pakistani men.’ The concern with the mass rape of white working class girls is described as a ‘moral panic’, whipped up by right-wing media outlets in bad faith (look up the work of Dr Ella Cockbain going back to 2013). Some of the academics who have written these peer-reviewed articles identify themselves as ‘experts’ in sexual abuse and child sexual abuse – Cockbain is part of a group that goes under the hearding of ‘global network of experts.’ They may well, indeed, be globally connected and organised. Their expertise is identified with their role and function within an international division of labour – dividing up our nations dividing our societies. They have ‘perpetuated the narrative that the perpetrators of heinous and monstrous abuse are somehow also the victims.’


The experts’ attempt to dismiss concern and outrage with the serious sexual abuse of white, working-class girls by describing it as a ‘moral panic’ and ‘far right’ narrative betrays the class prejudice of a group of people who who have no connection and no commitment to the poor, the vulnerable, and the working class, who, on the contrary, hold ‘ordinary’ people in contempt, despising them as ‘the uneducated’ ‘lower orders. ‘It’s the product of an academic system dominated by middle-class ‘liberals’ … a system that produces research sanctioned and peer reviewed by the same people with the same worldview.’ Through their class-ridden self-righteousness, ‘these academics and “experts” have done tremendous harm to the thousands of victims of grooming gangs.’ Like all those who have committed the greatest crimes throughout history, they are convinced that they are on ‘the right side of history’. That’s why they never listen and never learn. The lesson to be learned is to stop engaging them at the level of truth, reason, logic, and evidence. Instead, organise and act to push them out of public life: they are a menace to all that is right, sane, and decent.


Nobody can treat a country seriously that would deliberately do this to its own children. If the UK can't answer for this then it has truly fallen and no longer stands for the most basic decency, let alone the high standards of individual liberty founded on the Magna Carta, which it constantly thwarts now at every turn. More stifling of speech is just adding more tyranny on top of cowardice and betrayal while posing as idealistic and enlightened. The performative altruism of the elites sacrificed the children of the poor on the altar of their own unrepentant narcissism.


‘I wonder when regular readers, many lifelong socialists, discovered that they were in fact “far right.” My own epiphany came when I first expressed the opinion that men should not be allowed to play as ersatz “women” in women’s sports. I was then kindly informed of my “fascism.” (Colin Wynter KC)


‘I have been left my entire adult life. I discovered that I was really “far right” when I expressed the view that men don’t belong in women’s toilets/sports and I supported free speech. Now I am being told that it’s “far right” to excoriate institutionalized rape. No way. No more.’ (Prof. Gary Francione).


If I had an epiphanic moment it came in 2020, when I saw the ‘Lockdown Left’ damn conservatives leery of the accumulation of government powers to Hades, demanding that people mask up and shut themselves in isolation, only to be out on the streets on mass over George Floyd, justifying rioting and looting across towns and cities. They hypocrisy was stark. And then, yes, we got the issue of women’s sports, with leftists happily throwing female athletes under the bus. I also noted the protests of the people of Kirkby againsy sexual harrassment by immigrants. This story was denied. The people got filmed evidence. Still no action was taken. They took to the streets, to be met with bussed in anti-racist protestors denouncing the people of Kirkby as ‘far right’ Kirkby is one of the poorest towns in the UK, the people are overwhelmingly working class, and solidly Labour. I was born and lived four miles from Kirkby. I know the place and people well. The people are not “far right.” I made this comment on social media. The liberals, leftists, greens, and progressives I have acuired as ‘friends’ completely ignored it.


As Professor Gary Francione puts it: now way, no more. Those who are calling this wrong are done. It may take time, it may take a couple of generations. But they are done. They have wondered into an unreality pocket of politics and ideology. They are at variance with reality, common moral reason, and basic decency.


"Britain now stands shamed before the world. The public’s suppressed wrath is bubbling to the surface in petitions, calls for a public inquiry, and demands for accountability.


The scandal is already reshaping British politics. It’s not just about the heinous nature of the crimes. It’s that every level of the British system is implicated in the cover-up.


Social workers were intimidated into silence. Local police ignored, excused, and even abetted paedophile rapists across dozens of cities. Senior police and Home Office officials deliberately avoided action in the name of maintaining what they called “community relations.” Local councillors and Members of Parliament rejected pleas for help from the parents of raped children. Fathers of children were arrested or threatened with arrest when they sought to protect their daughters. Charities, NGOs, and Labour MPs accused those who discussed the scandal of racism and Islamophobia. The media mostly ignored or downplayed the biggest story of their lifetimes. Zealous in their incuriosity, much of Britain’s media elite remained barnacled to the bubble of Westminster politics and its self-serving priorities.


They did this to defend a failed model of multiculturalism, and to avoid asking hard questions about failures of immigration policy and assimilation. They did this because they were afraid of being called racist or Islamophobic. They did this because Britain’s traditional class snobbery had fused with the new snobbery of political correctness.


All of which is why no one knows precisely how many thousands of young girls were raped in how many towns across Britain since the 1970s.


Your time is up, you are done.


The liberal left know that a no-holds barred public inquiry into Pakistani rape gangs risks exposing some of the real-world effects of the hard multiculturalism they have long promoted. That's why they have set their faces against it. My


I’m done with lies, and cover ups, and liars – all those who deflect, deceive, dissemble, and divert to cover up their deluded ideologies, political commitments, and material interests.

I saw it all with Hillsborough. The struggle for truth and justice took more than a quarter of a century out of the lives of people. The truth was established but there was still no justice. I pointed out to people that this is the establishment, this is how it operates, it’s a problem you need to address.


If you think class is an outmoded concept, then open your eyes.

If you think ordinary people still on nodding terms with all that is decent, moral, and holy are ‘far right,’ then be careful what you wish for.


And if you don’t like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson, then ask yourself why it has been left to them to give voice to the complaint of the people, and not you.


I’ve been looking at the statements of prominent politicians from all parties. Pathetic the lot of them. Good riddance.


Musk called Liberal Democrat leader a ‘snivelling coward.’ I’d say that goes for the rest of them, except that many are much worse than that. People in politics at all levels, in the media, in the academy, the activist class with their 'refugees welcome here' placards and their endless accusations of 'fascism.' Creeps and cowards, the lot.

Paul Mason has the brass neck to write this: “One big advantage Labour has on Child Protection is that those leading the line are working class women like Jess Phillips – while the bandwagon fascists are rich misogynist men with no history of even caring.” And his history of caring is what? This?

I'm a Hillsborough survivor who saw all the same deceit and deception at work in the cover up that followed the deaths of 95 Liverpool football supporters in the pens of Leppings Lane. I am solid working class, from a family of builders, coal miners, clearners. I've never voted for a party of the right my entire life and am not well-off and never have been. And I wrote on grooming gangs a long while ago. I wonder what Mason has said on this in the past. If he has spoken up, I would imagine it would be along thge same lines. I'm not going to be called fascist by the likes of Paul Mason.


Of course he’s hiding behind the word ‘bandwagon.” The issue has been ignored for so longing that many, even most, who are now speaking up will have been speaking up for the first time. And so they are open to the accusation that they are Johnny-come-lateleys. But at least they have come. Mason ignores the many people who do have a history of caring, not least Maggie Oliver and the victims, all of whom have been ignored, all of whom are now being branded ‘far right,’ ‘racist,’ and ‘fascist.’ Labour have a history on this, and it affords them no advantage. Labour have plenty to hide on this, and Mason is one of the many engaged in hiding. His words are a continuation of the abuse. The words he useds, along with ‘Islamophobia,’ are words designed to label, marginalise, and silence people.


As for the working class credentials of these people, don’t make me laugh (or throw up). Jess Phillips’ father Stewart Trainor, a teacher, and Jean Trainor (née Mackay), deputy chief executive of the NHS Confederation and chair of South Birmingham Mental Health Trust. Middle class professionals, not working class. Phillips attended King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, a selective grammar school.


Labour are going down the road of saying there’s no point in having an enquiry because we have already had one. Precisely what they did over Hillsborough. ‘What’s the point?’ Tony Blair asked Home Secretary Jack Straw when Straw raised the question of another enquiry. They had promised the survivors an enquiry in opposition, then dragged their feet in office. There was an enquiry, and its parameters were deliberately narrowed to excluded precisely the points at issue. It was hobbled and nobbled, to give the appearance of an enquiry, whilst enquiring into nothing that touched power and the culpability of the authorities. And here they are, doing it all again. The idea that this issue is done and dusted is for the birds. The ‘bandwagon’ to which Starmer, Mason, and the rest are referring to is a groundswell of public anger, and it is a righteous anger. The idea that the public can be dismissed in this fashion shows just how out of touch these people are. The way that Labour has handled this is shameful and horrendous, using precisely the same tactics they used on Southport.

The cynicism is breath-taking. Under extreme pressure we have had Jess Phillips suggest that if the survivors want an enquiry then we will have an enquiry. She either doesn’t know that the survivors have already called for an enquiry, or can’t be bothered to remember, or is just floundering around with false promises to assuage anger in the present, before being withdrawn in the future. It just looks as though they are determined to carry on covering up. The issue hasn’t been dealth with, the flaws in previous enquiries have been pointed out frequently, not least by the survivors. Previous enquiries did not focus on grooming gangs, but on child abuse in general. Maggie Oliver made a statement, two thirds of which was cut out. Rotherham was mentioned once, Telford wasn’t mentioned at all. Those who are claiming that there has been a proper invesitation of grooming gangs are simply lying. It’s Hillsborough all over again. Hillsborough writ large. The same lying, the same cover up, the same tactics that prolong the injustice. And make people feel they count for nothing. Justice hasn’t been done, and the issue is ongoing.


“What the Left say: “Focusing on the gangs’ ethnicity is Islamophobic.”

What they mean: “Please ignore the fact that this is exactly the attitude which enabled this scandal to happen in the first place.”

What the Left say: “Actually there’s already been a national inquiry, which concluded in 2022.”

What they mean: “Please don’t read that inquiry’s final report, or you’ll notice that it wasn’t specifically dedicated to these particular gangs. In 459 pages it mentions Rotherham only once (and Telford not at all).”

Michael Deacon @the Daily Telegraph.


The game’s up for the establishment – including its leftist servants and apologists – presuming the British public haven’t become totally supine and lunatic. 

British police have contacted this grooming gang survivors telling her to delete posts on X. No more silencing. This ends now.

“I’ve received a phone call from South Yorkshire Police tonight about my reporting on X.

They’ve asked me to delete posts and not to report on Rotherham professionals moving forward even though they’re no reporting restrictions on the case.

I’d like to add, the information I’ve reported came directly from South Yorkshire Police over 6 months ago.

It’s also been in the public domain for over 6 months.

I’d also like to add the police officer didn’t really have a clue what was going on.”

(Sammy Woodhouse).


A bleak coda. Those obeying orders don't have a clue what is going on. 'Things are gonna slide in all directions,' sang Leonard Cohen. The fading away of Judaeo-Christian belief and culture as well as rational standards - Jerusalem and Athens - is part of the demoralisation of the West. I haven’t seen anyone use the word ‘nihilism,’ but all of these events fall under its shadow. This is the age of technocratic nihilism and inhumanism in which all things are reduced to power and measured in accordance with their usefulness to power.

Give me absolute control over every living soul ... that's an order!

There’ll be the breaking of the ancient Western code. Your private life will suddenly explode.

The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and its overturned the order of the soul.


And now the wheels of heaven stop, you feel the devil’s riding crop. Get ready for the future: it is murder.

 (Leonard Cohen, The Future).

‘Britain is sleepwalking into something terrible,’ says Caroline Lucas. Remarkably, she isn’t referring to the Labour government – let alone anything so deep as to nihilism and technocratic inhumanism - but to Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Posh people in a world of their own, and trying to reshape reality in accordance with their wish-fantasies, like all entitled people: ‘while the rest of us are talking about living in poverty, terrified of being hopeless, and worried about heaing and eating. If only I could have the luxury that Musk and Trump are my biggest fear. I worry about the rent constantly. And where I will end up when I can’t work or lose my job. Working class people’s fears are immediate and terrifying.’ (Lisa Mckenzie).


‘Caroline Lucas is just another posh middle class woman – I have a problem with the constant stream of them giving their luxury views. We need to build up from the bottom. Working class people have been completely battered for 40 years.’ (Lisa Mckenzie).

I would say that working class people have been battered since the 1960s, when trade unions were blamed for the economic ills facing the country.

But is interesting that Lucas focuses on Musk, drawing attention away from the 250,000+ white working class girls who have been raped, and interesting that Green MPs voted against a national enquiry. Take them on! The reckoning that is needed hear requires more than a national enquiry, it requires national renewal and restoration by way of social transformation - the establishment has shown itself to be rotten to the core.

The Labour government has just voted against opening up an inquiry into child rape gangs in the UK. The vote was 364-111.

This is a vote for Labour’s self-interest and self-preservation. It is a vote to protect councils complicit in this scandal from scrutiny and accountability. It reeks of corruption. We are about to see whether this nation has any spirit and fire left in it. If it has, Labour will be destroyed in 2029, and maybe even sooner. They crawled back into office owing to the breathtaking incompetence of the Conservative Party. Good riddance to all of them. I note the Green MPs voting against having an enquiry.

These cowards are stupid enough to think this is the end of the matter. This scandal will haunt them for the rest of their miserable existence, which may well be mercifully short. This party has been dead for years. They are fit only for oblivion, not government.


Not that an enquiry set up by the state would do any good, other than being a part of a continued cover up, as with Hillsborough. I spent over a quarter of a century demanding 'Justice for the 96' (which became 'justice for the 97'). There was never any justice, not even after the biggest inquest in UK history. They thought the Hillsborough campaigners would just go away. The establishment engaged in a war of attrition, subjecting campaigners to constant deflection and obstruction. We were supposed to know our place and accept that our lives were worthless. And here we see precisely the same tactics. There was no justice on Hillsborough, and I called on the British public to take note of the establishment that misrules them, and shed their illusions. At the prospect of spending another quarter of a century demanding justice for the 250,000+ I say this: don't let the authorities waste your time and grind you down; know your enemy; know the forces ranged against you; shed illusions; go direct; never give up.


Let’s be clear…


The UK leadership allowed thousands of little girls, their nation’s daughters, to be abused and gang raped by Pakistani-Muslims to protect their policy of open-border multiculturalism.


Every. Single. Level. Is responsible.

Let's hit reset on ourselves as a country at this point...


Am I alone in feeling like absolutely nobody involved in politics can be trusted?


I sense we are being pacified by script-following false prophets on all sides.


I wish the aliens would just get on with it and invade already, I kind of feel like we’re hitting rock bottom as a civilisation. But that’s an expression of precisely the demoralisation and hopelessness and resignation the ruling classes have sought to inculcate. Know your place and know you count for nothing. You’ve let the freedom and democracy your ancestors fought for slip away – you are charged with challenging power to win them back.


This story is almost unbelievable. The only serious goal in politics now, especially for those in opposition, is that of England 1640: reform, root and branch. Total upheaval, if necessary.



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