Peter Critchley e-Akademeia

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I have a range of interests and expertise, please explore.
Irreducibly Polynomial (writings on Autism)
Entirely Elvis (observations on Elvis):
The Queendom (information and commentary on Queen):
I welcome messages, even if it is just people passing by taking the time to stop and say hello. Many who were just passing by decided to remain and read more. I would also encourage people to subscribe to receive regular updates of my work. Details below (your details will not be shown in public).
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The most subversive invitation you could ever accept is the invitation to awaken to who you are and where you have landed.
John O'Donohue "The Question Holds the Lantern."

It's a beautiful world, but it's under threat. I want to end with an appeal to you as a citizen of the world. We need to save civilization from the adverse consequences of climate change. TCM holds that a World War II-scale climate mobilisation is our only choice if we wish to prevent runaway global warming and catastrophic climate change whilst preserving our democratic way of life. We must act immediately and decisively. I say that instead of a military-style mobilization strengthening the nation state under the corporate form above, we need a genuine structural and systemic transformation that reclaims the state and capital as alienated social powers for a self-ordering society powered from below. And, most of all, we need a spiritual transformation that heals the world and reconnects all that has been divided. We have been alienation from nature, from others, from our selves, from God. This is no time for half measures, which is all that institutional and social transformation is without reconnection to the source of being. There is still hope, if we mobilize for transformation. When we mobilize for a common goal, we can exceed our expectations and achieve incredible things. There is a moral imperative not to give up. Some people overwhelmed by the enormity of our situation decide that humanity's fate is sealed, and that nothing can be done to remedy the situation. On the contrary, there is no good evidence that civilization will collapse or humanity will become extinct. These are potential futures and nothing more. By saying, "We're doomed," you resign yourself to the collapse of civilization. That is an abnegation of the social covenant - a dereliction of responsibility. Every generation has its own challenges. This is ours. We have the technical and financial resources to transition to a post-carbon society. We need to develop the moral and political resources. And that requires you.
World-changing is a teamsport. And there is a place on the team for everyone.
I love music and enjoy a wide variety of music, from marvellous Mahler to opera to prog to pop. There is nothing I enjoy more than singing Elvis songs. I am blessed with wide taste and appreciation. I write to the soundtrack of music: no music, no words. There is a rhythm to my writing; my words are wedded to music. I am honoured to count virtuoso guitarist Neil Campbell as a friend and would strongly recommend that people check his superbly composed and beautifully performed work out on Bandcamp. I have the entire collection and can testify to Neil's variety and virtuosity. Below is a photo of Neil and I at a recital in Matthew Street, Liverpool, 2016. Neil Campbell Delay Tactics and There Again