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Papers, Articles, Reviews, Chapters and Talks


Many of the documents contained below are chapters from books. I put them out separately because they are strong enough to stand alone and because they can also serve to introduce people to wider aspects of my work. Others are from various sources, progress and transfer reports, articles and essays on Green issues, work for various forums and websites. 




2014 We are One

2013  The Shadow of the Future - Witness Against the Beast

2014  The Visionary Materialism of William Blake

2011  The Ecological Wager

2010  Heaven's Performance: Review of Here on Earth by Tim Flannery

2019 Notes on Montesquieu

2022 Dante's Sweet Symphony of Paradise

2021 Dante's Ecology of the Heart: The Topos of the Heart in the Work of Dante Alighieri



2011  Unit Ideas as the Building Blocks of Civilisation

2004  The City of Symbols

2001 Alienation, the Division of Labour and Free Social Activity

1997 The Dialectic of First and Second Nature - Enlightenment and Exchange Value

2004  The Politics of Difference and Community and the Ethic of Universalism

1997  Individualism and Individuality

2001  Modernity, Morality and Nihilism

2001  Postmodern Political Culture

2001  Life World versus System World

1997  The Everyday World of Reciprocity Versus Abstracted Rationalism

2001  Against Alienating Separations and Dualisms

2001  The Moral Community - The Social and Relational Context of the Individual

2011  The Cognitive Perspective

2001  Democratisation against Bureaucratisation - Complexity and the Division of Labour

1997  Social Self-Determination versus Alien Control

2001  Life World Versus System World

2001  Democratisation against Bureaucratisation - Complexity and the Division of Labour

2004  The Tyranny of Abstraction

2004  The Information City

2001  Social Versus Alien Mediation

1997  The Real Dialectic

2001  The Naturalisation of Complexity

1997  The Dialectic of Life

2011  Science, Learning and Civilisation



2004 The Stationary State of John Stuart Mill

2004  Martin Heidegger : Ontology and Ecology

2011  The Environmental Crisis, Enlightened Self-Interest and the Ecological Wager

2011  The Free Market, Globalisation and Ecology

2011  The Commons and the Global Ecology Movement

2011  The Ecological Crisis and Economics

2011  Green Knowledge for Sustainable Living

2011  Ecological Praxis and Community Self-Regulation

2011  Planetary Transformation

2011  Ecopolis

2004  Biosphere and Being

2004  Ecology and the Urban Public Sphere

2011  Eco-Community

2011  Wealth, Quantity and Quality

2011  Effective Policy and Ecology

2011  The Institutions of an Ecological Society




2011 Green Political Theory

2011  A Report on Green Politics

2011  Green Politics and Party Systems - Changing the Boundaries of the Political

2011  Green Principles and Green Politics

2011  Changing the Landscape of Politics - the Possibilities of Green Politics

2011  Aspects of Green Economics

2004  Greening the City

2011  Environmental Rules and Regulation

2011  A Report on Green Politics

2011  The Need for a New Mode of Environmental Regulation



2001  Liberalism and its Communitarian Critics

 2004  John Rawls - Justice and the Search for Community

1997 Liberalism, Socialism and Democracy in the Thought of Norberto Bobbio

2001  Ascending and Descending Theories of Democracy

2001  Communitarian Philosophy and Politics

1997  Liberalism, Socialism and Democracy in the Thought of John Keane

2001  Double Democratisation

2001  Contemporary Political Theory and Rational Freedom

2001  Citizenship and the Rights of Man

2001  Renegotiating Public-Private Boundaries

2001  Modernity and the Separation of Reason and Morality

2001  Morality and the Good Life

2001  Anarcho-Aristotelianism and the Urban Public

2021 Recovering Associational Space as the Site of Human Flourishing



2004  Freedom in Medieval Community

2004  Industrial Urbanism - The Political Economy of the City

2004  Social Movements and the Urban Public Realm

2004  Environmental Justice and the City

2004  The Globalisation of Place and Space

2004  The Social Ecology of Communication - the Communicative Ethic, Urban Planning and the Public

2004  The Partnership Model of Urban Regeneration

2004  The Green Republic of Lewis Mumford

2004  Urban Incarceration and the Destruction of Public Space

2004  The Dual City

2004  The City of Life

2011  Cultural and Social Capital

2001  Communal Autonomy and the Social Control of Individuals

2004  The City

2004  The City as Rational Utopia

2004  Rationalisation and the City

2004  Feminism and the City

2011  Capacity Building and Community Organisation

2011  Building Public Spaces for Cognitive Praxis

2001  Associational Self-Activity and the Constitution of the Proletarian Public

2011  Cities and Citizenship - The Conception of an Urban Public Realm

2011  Community, Competition and Commerce

2004  The Crisis of Modernist Planning



1995 Aristotle and the Public Good

2001  The Rational Freedom of Plato and Aristotle

2004  The Ideal of Polis Democracy

2004  Plato - The Architect of Rational Freedom

2011  An Introduction to the Philosophy of Aristotle

2011  Pythagoras and the Harmony in All Things

2004  Augustine or Pelagius?

2004  The Ecological Inheritance of Ancient Greece

2004  The Reason of Ancient Greece



2004  Machiavelli and the Citizen Ideal

2007 Wisdom and the Life of the Free Man according to Spinoza

2007  Spinoza on Politics and Religion

2003  Rousseau on the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality of Mankind

2003  Rousseau's Discourse on the Arts and Sciences

2004  Rousseau and the Germanic Idea of Freedom

2001 The Rational Freedom of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

2003  Rousseau : Autonomy and Authority

2003  Rousseau and the Quest for Human Happiness

2001  Rousseau and the Principles of Rational and Just Civic Association

2001  Kant : Reason as the Realisation of Nature

2001  Kant's Community of Ends

2001  Kant and the Architectonics of Reason

2001  Kant's Natural Teleology

2001  Hegel and the Embodiment of Rational Freedom

2004  William Godwin and Political Simplicity

2004  William Godwin : The Libertarian Conception of Rational Freedom

2011  Adorno and the Irrational Use of Reason

2001  Jurgen Habermas and the Rational Utopia

2001 The Rational Community of Jurgen Habermas

2015 Anne Conway and the Fellowship of All Creatures: Reworking the Western Philosophical Canon



2011  Rationalists and Empiricists

2011  Ethical and Cultural Relativism

2011  The Brain in a Vat

2011  The Love of Wisdom

2011  Rational Freedom and Human Emancipation

2001  The Graeco-Germanic Concept of Rational Freedom

2001  Rational Freedom from Aristotle to Habermas

2001  Modern Polis Democracy

2011  What is Philosophy?

2011  Why Philosophy Matters

2011  What is Art?

2011  The German Idea of Rational Freedom

2004  The German Tradition of Rational Freedom in Philosophy

2001  The Immanent Ideal of Philosophy

2011  Rational Restraint and Games Theory

2011  Cognitive Praxis

2001  The Concept of Rational Freedom in Philosophy and Politics



Work for Initiative für Praxisphilosophie

2013  The Socratism of Immanuel Kant

2013 Kant and Virtue

2001 Marx's Active Materialism

2001 The Philosophy of Praxis



1997  The Philosophy of Praxis - The Democratisation of Philosophy, Politics and Power

2001  Marx's Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of the State

2001  Marx, Market Socialism and Participatory Planning

2001  Reason and Rationalisation in Marx and Weber

2001  Marx and the Liberal Discourse of Rights

2001 Marx's Gemeinwesen - Communism as Moral Community

2001  Commune Democracy - Marx and the Paris Commune of 1871

1997 A Postmodern Marxism

1997  The Lost Tradition of Marxism and Anarchism - the Third Stream of Socialist Thought

2001  Marx's Normative Democratic Community

2001  Marx's Active Materialism

2001  Marx's Critique of Alien Objectivity

2001  Representation and Alienation in the Thought of the Early Marx



1995 Deindustrialisation - Britain and the Global Economy

1995  The European Union and the Principle of Subsidiarity

1995 The Social Market Model

1995 Transnational Corporate Capitalism

1995  The Social Market versus the Liberal Market

1995  Growth with Equity - Economics and Social Justice

2012  Why there is famine in the midst of abundance

2011  Principles of Public Economy

1995  Public Policy for a Supranational Order

1995  Financial Deregulation and its Political Consequences

1995  Economics: An Agenda for the Future

1995  Towards the High Wage/ High Productivity Economy

1995  The Social Economy of Germany

1995  The Modern Corporation

1995  The Globalisation of Space

1995  Privatisation and Class Struggle

1995  Industry and Economy in Europe - Risks and Uncertainties in a Global Environment

2001  The Socialist Economy as the Just, Equitable and Democratic Organisation of Human Power

1995  The European Community and the Environment

1995  The Political Economy of the New Europe

1995  The Economics and Politics of Transnational Hegemony




1999 Jacobinism - The Two French Revolutions

1999  The Socialism of Associated Producers

2001  Dictatorship and Democracy

1999  The Free Association of the Producers

2004  The Creation of Politics

2001  Organisational Forms - Revolution as Process

2013  Who or What is the Labour Party For?

2011  Nuclear Nihilism



2011  Citizenship in the Renaissance

2004 The Ideal of Citizenship

2004  Augustine and the City

2004  Aquinas and Christian Aristotelianism

2004  The Radical Current of Christian Aristotelianism

2004  Dante : Civilitas and Universitas

2004  Thomism in Politics

2004  The Recovery of Aristotle and the New Science of Politics in Thirteenth Century Europe

2004  The Revival of Aristotle and the Thirteenth Century Background

2004  Marsiglio of Padua : The People as Sovereign Legislator

2004  The Civic Tradition of Rational Freedom

2004  Citizenship and Western Civilisation




2010  How to Present a Global Image: Liverpool as a Global City

2015  Liverpool: The City of Life

2010  Goddess Worship, Animality and Nature

2013  The Eternal Womanly

2011  God: Who, What and Where?

2010  Art as Life

2010  Goddesses, Animality and Nature

2010  Why Philosophy

2011  When the Tank Runs Dry


A favourite spot in a favourite place of mine - Llandudno, north Wales, where I live.



       Peter Critchley Being and Place

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