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Peter Critchley


My key principles and themes all seem to have ‘comm’ as the stem. There must be a linguistics expert out there who can explain the consistent thread running through these words.

Communism, commune, communitarianism, common, common weal, common good, common ground, common life, common people, the commons, the common land, the global commons, communing, commoning, communion, communication, commensurate, communalism, community, communality, communizing, commonality, commingle, commonness, commitment, commune, communard.

Been re-reading a great book by Paul Goodman called Communitas.

St Thomas Aquonas, 'the one real Rationalist', given to 'the unusual hobby of thinking', was 'arguing for a common sense which would... commend itself to most of the common people'. (TA 478, 513, 517, 519, 522).

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