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Power and Land Grab

Peter Critchley

Updated: Nov 11, 2024

Last week: The biggest farmland owner in the US, Bill Gates, visits Starmer and Reeves at Downing Street

This week: the Labour government sign British farming’s death certificate

Own a £4m farm, they will now pay £600k in inheritance tax. That tax will make retaining the farm unviable and the farm sold upon death to pay the inheritance bill.

We will see a huge reduction in agriculture output in the UK, generational farms closed and imports increased.


It's no coincidence. In the same way Starmer hopes to destroy small private landlords so large corporations can buy more property.

A new form of communism… food, housing, land, health, education etc…  all controlled by a few elite …

Which is not communism at all, it is the corporate form.


It’s a power and land grab. If you need to be told that now then you simply can’t be told.

It's not incompetence - this is all part of a carefully crafted plan. The Labour government is targeting farmers because they have other ambitions for the land - ambitions which do not include food security or the survival of rural communities. There was a time when the Left would have identified the political economy driving this, drawing particular attention to the material roots and class dynamics. But those days have long gone, replaced by identity politics, gender woo, and the climate cult. Starmer might pretend not to know what a woman is, but he knows money and power, and is happy to serve the forces that are out to concentrate both in their hands. Catch yourself on and quick. Cease being deflected and diverted and send the time wasters packing. And get serious. At this moment in time, what is classed as the Left is a total embarrassment, either looking the other way in craven cowardice, lest they have to take on the rich and powerful (and admit they don't have the wit, even if they ever found the will), or are on entirely the wrong side, serving corporate power wittingly (as Starmer and his government are), or unwittingly, as with the fools and tools who constitute the astroturf activist class (including and especially the environmentalists). It's a sorry tale.

They are disrupting any cohesive social structure that stands in the way of appropriation. We need a movement that will counter and end this globally driven destruction of our ability to heat, fuel and feed ourselves. The fact that so many Greens are on board reveals only what complete fools they are, the naïve ones, or murderous misanthropes. Farms, faith, fatherland are all to be dismantled. The family can go. The war against males – particularly white males – was launched a long while ago and is being sustained. It’s interesting to note that it has now been joined by the war against females, with the rejection on biology and the invasion of women’s sports and spaces. We are being deconstructed to be destroyed. And the key to the strategy is to hijack the political apparatuses of all these identitarian movements claiming to advance human rights. Who could disagree with human rights? So all those with a political axe to grind join in, thinking they are being kind and emancipatory. They are tools and fools. Reclaim reality and cleave to it. If you can. You can see how the citizen body has been dumbed down and rendered soft and stupid. Capacities for resistance all but destroyed, the forces of the corporate form will run a coach and horses through the whole flabby terrain. An entire activist class, and not a backbone or brain cell among them. You could be forgiven for thinking they had been created for precisely this task. The commons are wide open for appropriation.


The world is being turned upside down and inside out – as a deliberate demoralisation and disorientation. It’s a technocratic nihilism and anti-humanism, and the various activist groups are too stupid, too bigoted, too self-obsessed to see what tools and fools they are.


A government shouldn’t have this much power.

It’s not unfathomable at all. Only those who pay no attention to political history, and who take claims that the government serves the universal interest at face value, can find this unfathomable. It’s a corporate power grab and land grab. It’s what the ruling class do. It’s not difficult to understand, only difficult to fight back against. Some people, especially those who have been infantilised by easy times, lack the courage. There’s an unsavoury hidden agenda in play that is becoming less and less hidden to more and more people. Those who lack the nerve to fight back will claim it’s all a conspiracy theory and so marginalise and isolate those raising the alarm.


A potential reason for declining birth rates…

Having to explain to your children that:

Truth doesn’t matter

Liars win

There is no justice

Cheaters prosper

Money buys power

Money buys everything

Money buys everyone

The rich and power are above the law

Genocides are overlooked

Society is unravelling …

And the planet is being destroyed make the already mega rich even more rich

And most people either don’t know or don’t want to know because they haven’t got a clue what to do.

No one is coming to save you.

And most lack the nous and the nerve to save themselves.

Whoever is left will be finished by famine.


They’ve laid the foundations for famine, and people will laugh at conspiracy theories now, but not when people are hungry and fighting one another.

As for the activists and ideologues who think themselves Leftist, coming up with any number of rationalisations by which to distort and pervert the meaning of socialism, in their dishonourable tradition, the idea that the common folk registering their discontent are Far Right is for the birds. This is government-facilitated corporate greed on energy, property, water, and food, the final enclosure of the global commons, completing a process begun in the sixteenth century. When the Left actually had some idea what socialism was, it stood up for the common people. Now it aligns with the forces crushing the people. The UK government’s budget was a prime example of squeezing small businesses out of the market as part of a corporate asset grab. It’s all about depriving people and economic agents of autonomy and independence. Control of food and energy makes the control of people possible. Marx knew this, and criticised it; Marx’s supposed followers also know this, and are cheering it on. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. The contemporary Left is either utterly incoherent, or is working for the corporate form, the cultural Left as a corporate Left. The present Left, and the Greens with them, is either compromised, captured, or complicit. Either way, they are not fit for any purpose other than making the commons available to corporate power.

Thousands of small EU farmers are pressured into selling their farms because they can’t survive, whilst £2.7b EU subsidies are being paid out to billionaire landowners. Because in the race to equality, only the wealthiest stand to gain.

The globalists want the farms. They don't want them to take care of people. If you think the food is poisonous now, you haven't seen anything yet. Healthy food will be cut and bastardised. The globalists intend to profit off you from your sickness then your early death.

One final note.


Trump will pull the U.S. out of Paris again, and there will be howls all round. I howled in 2017, despite being acutely aware of the inadequacies of Paris. I won’t howl this time. Environmentalism has fallen under corporate control, and environmentalists are either too naïve, too cultist, too compromised, or just plain too complicit to see it.

RFK Jr: "[The climate crisis] is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls, the same way that the Covid crisis was."

"And it's the same people... It's the World Economic Forum, it's the billionaires' boys' club at Davos, and it's the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power for the super rich... and less power for everybody else."

That’s not a denial of the crisis in the climate system, at least not on my part. It’s a warning not to betray the environment into the hands of the corporate class. I’ve warned of this in recent years, and been rewarded by being unfriended and blocked by ‘friends’ in the environmental movement. I became suspicious when people who had been associates for years not only refused to answer my questions on political economy – who has the power and resources to deliver on the ambitious climate programmes sought – but cut off all contact. There are Greens that are idealistic and naïve, and there are ‘Greens’ who, like the symbolic class, the ‘credentialed’ elite, are part of the corporate class. The idealists betray the environment into the hands of the corporate class through their naivety; the ‘elite class’ are part of the corporate appropriation of the commons. My conscience, like my intellect, is clear. I refuse all compromise with corporate forces. Far from protecting the environment, those forces will appropriate it to their own ends. The people who turned on me as a climate denier are the ones complicit in the further destruction of nature, rebooting the capital system under the pretext of saving the planet.


It’s a land grab.  It's not communism, but the global extension of the corporate form. The political class want big corp and state control over food production. It’s happening everywhere. And Leftists and environmentalists are so bigoted and blinkered by political ideology that they can't see what tools and fools they are.

I have nothing more to say. Other than I've been saying this since the mid-1990s. It’s either game on or game over.


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