Below are links to and brief descriptions of two books I have published in what can be described as the field of literary ecology. In the case of William Blake, that ecology is a moral ecology.
Ecopoetics: Essays in Literary Ecology. 2024. 123,313
This book is a collection of essays which underscore the way that poetics and narrativity have the power to make passive truths and dry facts existentially meaningful and motivational. The essays emphasise the extent to which a flourishing and properly ‘functioning’ society needs the arts and humanities, making the point that a humanly intelligent appreciation of knowledge and know-how is critical to the good society. The view is taken that the myriad and converging crises of our time cannot be addressed exclusively, or even principally, by those equipped only with scientific knowledge and technological know-how, but require a broader range of understanding and expertise. The essays in this book explore Ecopoetics for the way it encourages ways of thinking, knowing, and being that are conducive with healthier and happier ways of living.
William Blake: Life’s Sweet Delight. 2016, 21,164
An extended essay on the fourfold vision of William Blake. This essay conceives Blake's visionary materialism in terms of the moral necessity of imagining alternatives to the mechanical system that has been installed over against the common ground of our Being.