Below are links to my two volumes of my economics masters studies from 1995.
Europe and the Corporate Restructuring of the Global Political Economy: Volume 1: Whither Capitalism? The Social Market, the Liberal Market, and Beyond. 1995 139,247 words
Europe and the Corporate Restructuring of the Global Political Economy. Vol 2. Globalisation and the Corporate Form. 1995 139,935 words
Europe and the Corporate Restructuring of the Global Political Economy is a two-volume study of the problems and uncertainties facing the European economy in an increasingly globalised economic environment. In the volumes I examine the challenges facing the possibility of industrial strategy and policy in the context of economic globalisation. The first volume compares and contrasts the relative merits of the socially responsible market and the liberal market before going on, in the second volume, to show how the extension of the corporate form threatens to eclipse both. The volume ends with a case for an economics of freedom, democracy, and equality.