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  • Peter Critchley

It's called socialism!

I could become very annoying on social media, checking right wing mendacity and stupidity whenever I come across it. It isn’t hard to find and isn’t difficult to check. But it’s a waste of time and energy. These people really do have the IQ of molluscs.

This is a graphic being shared by the very people who have been denying and/or downplaying the threat from coronavirus for weeks now. These are the people who denounce government as an infringement on liberty and argue against each, any, and every attempt to use government as the efficient agency of collective purpose. They are the same people who have been denouncing Bernie Sanders as a socialist and therefore a Stalinist.

Whenever people argue for this transfer of resources from the rich to working people as a matter of organised political purpose, there are howls of outrage concerning "government" and "socialism," as if organisation and preparation for the collective good by definition an infringement of individual liberty. They openly denounce such statements as “theft” and the “politics of envy” and such like. And now that it has become clear whose labour is “essential” to society, they become vocal class warriors against those espousing progressive causes. It’s phoney and its fake and, as one identified as a “key worker” performing an “essential” job that is “important to society” – as my official notification states – I’m calling this drivel out for what it is – politically motivated dreck.

I am one of the "essential" and "key" workers "important to society" who have been underpaid and undervalued for years. Underpaid and undervalued by the capitalist class and their apologists and cheerleaders. This lack of recognition and recompense has squat to do with "celebrities" and everything to do with hardline "free" market politics that people like this espouse. When people like me argue for the proper valuation of the labour of the workers, and for the major restructuring of power and resources in favour of working people, it is routinely abused as "socialism."

So wise up and wake up, stop deflecting the targets, and stop being lickspittles for the rich and greedy.

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