'The dual cross-over purpose is the question of a going beyond a productionist metaphysics that dominates the industrial age, to a new ethos and new possibilities for exploring the post-industrial green or sustainable economy. In this endeavour there needs to be room for an ongoing investigation of the possibilities of alternatives to science, technology and capitalism that have been developed out of the Heideggerian corpus (Zimmerman, 2000; Critchley, 2004; Mei, 2011, Fitzgerald, 2006).'
My work turns up all over the place. I just keep on putting messages in bottles and throwing them into the sea, in the hope that inquiring minds will find them, make something of them, and throw the odd bottle of their own back. Here I am working out of the Heideggerian zone. Nice quotes from me in this article. Here and there, my little thoughts are being pondered.
The Eco-University in the Green Age, Review of Contemporary Philosophy 15, 2016 pp. 60–69, Michael A Peters
My piece on Martin Heiddeger: Ontology and Ecology
I also wrote a good section on Heiddeger in my book on J.R.R. Tolkien, Tolkien and the Fellowship of All Living Things
I get a good mention here, too, Heidegger's understanding of nature. Draft of a phenomenological "philosophy of ecology"
I think I'll keep throwing those bottles into the sea. Little messages can go an awful long way.