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Françoise Hardy Discography

Peter Critchley

Updated: Nov 17, 2022


The following table gives a (well-nigh) complete list of every song ever recorded by Françoise Hardy. Or, more accurately, every song I have managed to track down. There may well be the odd song that is missing. Indeed, I am ever in the process of tracking an elusive number down. Françoise is an eternal inspiration and frustration to enthusiastic obsessives such as I. Often, the missing song is the figment someone's wishful imaginaion or just poor recollection on my part. Sometimes the song really does exist and just begs to be found. It's a hobby of mine, a continuation from the days when I had to track Françoise’s albums down in the UK. Some people collect stamps or play squash or go to the movies or eat out. I do this kind of thing, along with Elvis, Dante, Liverpool, Wales, and writing. It brings a certain contentment, and the occasional, but no less profound, joy. If you spot a song that is missing, please let me know. It's easier these days to identify and locate missing songs. When I first started to compile this list, in the days before the ever helpful Dr. Google, it involved quite an effort of investigation on my part. So a word of thanks to yours truly for my having turned up many an obscurity would not go amiss. (OK, they are much less obscure now, but I can assure you that they were back in the day).

I offer this Discography as a public service on my part, testimony to the painstaking efforts I have made in the cause of good music ... well, in the cause of Françoise Hardy, my favourite female singer by a trillion miles and more. I like to see it as my own legitimate special interest, being gifted and all that. I don't know how Françoise would feel in being classed with Dante, rational freedom, Llandudno, and Kashmiri goats. I do know that she is very keen on Elvis, and so is a very admirable person indeed. It all makes for an interesting life.

Whenever I have mentioned the name of Françoise Hardy in the process of my searches and researches over the years in the UK, I have been struck by how often I have been met with expressions of pleasant surprise from those few who have heard of her, surprise that she is still recording. I have had this response even in specialist music shops in Liverpool, Manchester, and St Helens, run by people who know and love their music. It's as if I have called their sixties memories back to them in the present. Their memories they have of her are good ones, it's just that, to them, she is forever a sixties icon imprisoned in grainy black and white images. 'Pretty girl' seemed to be the sum total of one record shop person's knowledge. That charts the extent to which she fell into obscurity in the UK after the 1960’s. So I make a point of telling them that she got better in the seventies and has recorded some of the best music of her career since 2000. I never forget to add that, musically, she has lasted far better than most of the great sixties icons - icons whom she also pre-dates. She's one of the quiet ones, and is therefore likely to be overlooked. I like to see the gentle souls do well, not least because they live in a loud and aggressive world that is ever ready to eat them up. I remember the fate of Nick Drake. I maintain that she has now built a body of work of sufficient substance to place her high in the first rank of artists.

I'm also struck by the number of folk who seem hardly to know French music at all. One guy in a vinyl shop in Manchester I frequented regularly equated French pop with Johnny Hallyday, and nothing more. Those that do know Françoise remember her or know her as a Sixties icon and nothing more. This is a travesty of the truth.

In the very least, this Discography has merit in setting the record straight in the English speaking world. But my intention here is to do much more than that. Having made the discovery of Françoise Hardy's music some time ago, I embarked on what was to turn into a long and frustrating search for her original albums. Even her well-known work was fairly hard to find in the UK. Before the Internet it wasn't possible to simply push buttons and quickly identify and locate what you were looking for. It could lead to some unusual situations. I found that I was on record searching for a Massage Personnel. Eventually I did find what I was looking for. But there was great value in my years of indefatigable search. In searching for one thing, say A Suivre, I would make any number of other discoveries with respect to her songs. And I would seize upon, and value, every little thing I could find. I have a very nice collection of LPs and EPs, although it is far from complete, an obsession I managed to curtail to well below my Elvis proportions - I have over one hundred Elvis vinyl albums.

Collecting, of course, is addictive. Years of following Elvis taught me that. But rather than teaching me a lesson, it nurtured completist tendencies on my part. One thing leads to another until the day comes when, after being bowled over by one song in the beginning, you simply have to have everything an artist has ever recorded. "I've started so I'll finish" is my motto ... I heard La Question, so naturally I wanted to hear all the rest. If there is a good side to this ailment – if enjoying myself immensely in indulging my obsessions can be described as an ailment – then it is this: I am able to give a fair and judicious assessment of the entire catalogue of songs in the career of Françoise Hardy. I've lived with these songs in my ears for so long now that I know them intimately. So I'll give you my view as a reliable and discerning witness and judge.

For someone so reticent when it comes to performing and touring, Françoise Hardy has been remarkably prolific over the years - decades - and in several languages. There are a lot of songs in her catalogue, songs of all kinds and in all languages. In my researches I have also turned up many songs and rumours of recordings that are unknown to all but the most obsessive, fanatical, and die-hard fans (that'll be me, then, and probably you if you have read this far). I will guarantee that even if you know Françoise and her music well, you will find unknown recordings, rarities, oddities, and even absolute gems that you have never heard of in my list below. I won't say my list is complete. I will say I am a thorough researcher who turns OCD to advantage in pursuing relentlessly something I love to the nth degree until completion/satisfaction/exhaustion is reached. At times in my various activities I feel like I am aiming at something beyond infinity. And I'm sure that Françoise is appreciative of my devotion.

Some of the stuff I have turned up here may even come as a surprise to Françoise herself. Whether she would want to be reminded of some of these things is another question. She seems to have a poor view of a lot of her recordings. I once read an interview of her in which she was asked to comment on a number of her songs, and couldn't remember very many of them, and dismissed many of those that she could. As an Elvis fan who has watched every film he has made, and many more times than is good for one's judgement, I know no shame and even less embarrassment. Find something you enjoy doing, and enjoy doing it, is my motto. Take time to smell the roses, they say. This is where I take time - a lot of it. And there are gems here, too, songs that Françoise should be happy to be reminded of.

The songs are arranged chronologically and by original album release. The length of each song is given, the writers of each song are credited and there is a rating for each song out of ten. This marking began for my own personal reference as I compiled playlists and tapes of representative selections, but the scores are nevertheless fairly reliable because, as fanatics and obsessives go, I know a fair bit about music and am fairly discerning and critical. I like a wide range of music, and I know it in depth. Note that I do hand out a fair number of 4's and 5's in the list, which is a surprisingly low score for a favourite singer I am most passionate about. I am a pretty harsh marker. So when I award the 10's and 9's you can be sure they have been earned and that Françoise Hardy is indeed an artist of the highest calibre. Françoise Hardy is my favourite female singer, so my scoring will, naturally, tend to the favourable. I have no pretensions to academic objectivity. And people are free to enjoy each song according to its merits. But there is a degree of cool objectivity there all the same.

I'll just add that in terms of my own personal taste, I really don't care too much for the Yé-Yé sound. I can be accused of being a little too precious here. I love Billy Fury, for instance, and I know Françoise did too. She recorded a lot of this kind of pre-Beatle, British rock'n'roll material (Marty Wilde's Bad Boy as Pas Gentille, for instance, Joe Brown, too, with C'Est La Premiere Fois). I think the British copying of American rock was lame but passable, with moments of inspiration. I don’t have much Yé-Yé in my French collection. I am very much old school, and have a wealth of Piaf, Gréco, Brel, Aznavour etc. I don't think Yé-Yé cuts it. But I give praise for the attempt, because, just as in the UK, the kids in France were starting from scratch and attempting to do something with musical forms that were not their own. The likes of Elvis drew directly on the blues, country, and gospel he found all around him - the British and the French were drawing on Elvis, and did well at a second hand distance, building a foundation for the pop that came after. The next generation could sound so good because this generation of British and French artists took the tentative first steps. I say tentative. I do like the way they gave it a go as best they could. If it sounds a bit antwacky now, as they say in Liverpool, then somebody had to do it. Could you have done it any better? I very much doubt it. So, if you have a soft spot for Yé-Yé, then feel free to add a mark or two to my rather meagre scores. I just don't think it is Françoise at her best, and neither does she. And I think she was always removed, from the very first, from the other Yé-Yé artists, her songs being more introspective and lyrical; and I think her music developed rapidly as the sixties unfolded. And she got better in the seventies.

On the same theme, I don't care much for the MOR jazz stylings and synthesized beats and arrangements of her eighties material. In my fairly outspoken view, Françoise's voice and talent was in large part wasted on 'sophisticated' 'adult' pop. There is still good material that I love there, but there are some musical misconceptions too. The production and the instrumentation now sound dated in a slick 'adult' kind of way. I can do without the pretensions to sophistication, not least because it was the simplicity, innate lyricism, and sad beauty that attracted me to Françoise's songs in the first place. I leave the 'jazzy retro' stuff to others. I like the tempered sensuality of Françoise's voice, and you can still hear that on the better tracks from the 1980s. Where and when will become clear in the marking, as indeed will the where and when not. Those who do like 'jazzy' dance numbers and synthesised beats and think them sophisticated and 'with it' are free to add a couple of marks according to their taste. I just shudder to think of the great material before and after that they would be inclined to remove marks from. This is my list, and so I impose my own personal taste.

It's all good fun. I have often wondered whether Françoise herself would be interested in revisiting those Flarenasch years of the 1980's in order to re-record a number of the best tracks, with new and more appropriate arrangements, because many of these are indeed excellent songs. As I understand from what she has had to say on this material, she was contracted to do certain songs she disliked in order to gain access to others that she did like, and that there are all kinds of copyright issues over the material these days. When the Messages Personnels box set was issued in the early 2000's, this material was absent. So they are what they are and will remain that way.

I can only re-iterate what I said earlier: study this discography with a keen eye. I have arranged the material in accordance with the original album releases. But please pay close attention to the tracks underneath each particular album set, because there are some rare finds and gems in there which, if you search long enough and hard enough, you may well be able to find. I have often added a mark in order to stimulate further interest, or merely for historical interest. For instance, I find the harder, driving sound of Françoise on Johnny Hallyday's Les Bras En Croix, with stripped down and basic instrumentation, far more exciting than those well-known Yé-Yé numbers like Je Suis d'Accord. It wasn't issued at the time and is not well known. The discography I have pieced together unearths a number of similarly interesting tracks known only, if at all, to hardcore fans. Find the duet with Marc Lavoine from 1985, find the German tracks from 1973, a lot of the songs from 1968, 1969 and 1970 that were scattered in their release, or not issued at all - gems one and all. Find All Because of You, issued on an English language album in 1970, with no French recording. It disappeared from view only to be rediscovered by the younger generation in Jessica Sula's version in Skins. I love Françoise’s German version most of all.

And remember, too, that the scoring itself is imprecise and has certain vagaries. On Les Feuilles Mortes, for instance, I would score 7 for Françoise's vocal alone (although it is fairly unexpressive and suffers in comparison with the Montand and Gréco versions) and something minus zero for the cheesy cabaret arrangement that accompanies it, desecrating one of the greatest songs ever written. Françoise loathes her version of the song, apparently. All I can say is that it is better than her version of La Mer, recorded the same way in the same time and place. She was performing on a television show in Germany, so it all makes some kind of sense. Françoise can't do much with the appalling backing other than lie back and think of France, doing the best she can to preserve her dignity. And she does. The songs went down well with the television audience, apparently. They were issued in 1965 on a Portrait In Musik, a German release, but you will struggle to find them anywhere else. I found Les Feuilles Mortes on Frag Den Abendwind, but La Mer seems to be in the doghouse as far as CD release is concerned. These are two of the greatest songs ever written. Françoise has had time to re-record both and wipe out these stains on her reputation. She's better than this. But at least there is no equivalent in her catalogue of Old MacDonald, Yoga is as Yoga Does, Queenie Wahine's Papaya, and Dominic (The Impotent Bull - I kid you not), as there is in the Elvis catalogue. Even Françoise's worst is pretty OK. I don't know. Would you prefer to be outraged, disgusted, or bored? I have a strange attraction to Elvis' worst material. It doesn't leave you cool, calm, and indifferent. But Françoise is ever easy on my ears.

I am sure that in any idle moments I may get in the future that I may revisit these charts and alter the scoring a little.

On a personal note, I'll admit to adding a mark to Je Veux Qu'il Revienne to ensure its status as a 10. I always liked the song. It's brash and vivacious and is a good example of Françoise's material as forming an integral part of the swinging sixties. I don't think it is one of her best songs, to be brutally honest, but it's representative of a certain style at a certain time, and Françoise was very much part of defining it, and was very good at it. It depends on how much you like pop music. I like it quite a lot. The song was recorded in 1964 and very much heralds the start of a new era in pop. More critical critics would score “7,” more generous critics would score “8,” I would score “9,” but in the end have scored it a “10.” (See how much thought I put into these matters?) So why the extra mark? Purely personal. I can certainly defend an “8” and probably a “9” here, because the song, its style and arrangement really do mark out new territory. Françoise recorded the song in London with producer and arranger Charles Blackwell. He may well have been the only one in either Britain or France who could fashion authentic American girl group style recordings boasting the Phil Spector wall of sound. That is one direction that Françoise moved her music into, and the result was a resounding success. So much so, I don't quite understand why I am being so apologetic about scoring a “10.” It is a choice example of its kind, if you like its kind. It's not Dans le Monde Entier, but indicates how varied Francoise's distinctive blend of pop was. It's an important point to make when it comes to writing the histories of these singers and times. Françoise Hardy was a major player in the music of these times, and it is right to set the record straight.

But there is another reason why I like this song. Je Veux Qu'Il Revienne is a French language version of Only You Can Do It by none other than The Vernons [sic] Girls. Who on earth are The Vernons Girls, I hear you ask? Few if anyone outside of the UK know The Vernons Girls, but they had a certain popularity for a short while in the UK, scoring a number of fair to middling hit records in 1962 and 1963. Only You Can Do It was their best song, but flopped in the singles chart in 1964. And with no more hits, the band split in 1965.

I write “The Vernons' [sic] Girls” for a reason. The "sic" puts a little smile on my face. It's a little personal story. My mother knew and worked with one of the members of the singing trio, Frances Lea, who was born in the same place the same time around Thatto Heath/Grange Park, St Helens. I wish I had paid more attention and could remember more of what my mother said about those days. I didn't think it was much of a claim to fame, and was never much impressed with claims to fame in any case. I went to school with top level footballers and international rugby players, both codes, and you never hear me talking about it every day. Every week, maybe, but not every day. I have some sense of proportion. They say when a person dies, a library dies with them. I'll just explain this “Vernons [sic] Girls” in-joke. In telling her stories, my mother insisted on referring to “The Vernon Girls.” I kept correcting her by saying “Vernons!” after the pools company where the girls worked. But my mother was adamant that it was “The Vernon Girls,” and insisted that "I should know because I was there." "Yeah, right" I said, "and you were wrong then, and you are wrong now!" This went on for years and years. And I was right and I am right, and it is “The Vernons Girls.” So now you know.

Be that as it may, Only You Can Do It is by far and away the best record the Vernons ever did, but it is surpassed by far in Françoise's recording. Sorry girls, local heroines, family associates and all that, but I have to be strictly objective, neutral, fair, and judicious and give the verdict overwhelmingly to Françoise on this. This is a very French and very credible take on the US girl group sound, and is incredibly catchy and lively – which is the whole point of this kind of material.

As for The Vernons Girls, they have their place in history. Formed at the Vernons football pools company in Liverpool in the 1950s, they moved from standards, stripped down from sixteen singers to five and then three, appeared on the ITV show Oh Boy! with the house band between 1958 and 1959, the beginning of British rock'n'roll, recorded a number of hit singles in their own right, and then tried to catch a ride on the wave of Beatlemania. The group actually charted in the US with We Love the Beatles, the very first Beatles tribute album in the country. They also charted with We Love You Beatles under the name of The Carefrees. Of course they did. Everyone loved The Beatles, and it damaged no-one's career to say so.

The Vernons were also in demand as backing singers in recording sessions by many of the leading artists of the day. They backed the great Billy Fury on his first hit Maybe Tomorrow, a song I particularly love. They also appeared in the Billy Fury film Play it Cool too. I'm trying desperately hard to remember the stories my mother told me. I remember one about the film, where Billy Fury, great singer and big star as he was, pretty much ordered one of the girls – it must have been Frances Lea - to pick his coat up and carry it for him. “Get your own coat!” was the curt response back from her. He did, too.

It's an interesting digression into personal history, but it connects my favourite singers together with family history. For all of the attempts to hitch a ride on the back of The Beatles, the times and music were changing. Their chart successes coming to a halt in 1964, the Girls broke up in 1965. Françoise was very much on the way up and, in 1964, took the Vernons [sic] Girls' best ever record and made it even better. So I score a “10” here.

Françoise clearly knew she was onto a good thing with this big US girl group sound, far removed from the trademark whispery winsome ballads with which she had made her name. In mid 1965 she recorded a French language version of Vernons Girls' singer Samantha Jones' Just Call and I'll Be There. Les Temps de Souvenirs is another “10” in my book, for its combination of US girl group/Spector via British Invasion female pop (Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw, Samantha Jones) with added French stylings. Françoise's version is infinitely superior to Samantha Jones' version, which itself is in a different, and altogether much better, league than P.J. Proby's original. There are those overly indulgent minds, not least Proby himself, who style Proby as a rival to Elvis and Tom Jones in the vocal stakes. All I will say is that if he is, then the girls trounce him on this one. Les Temps des Souvenirs is one of Françoise's very best recordings in this genre, with a powerful arrangement that soars in orchestral crescendos at the end of each chorus, supporting one of Françoise's most confident, most fetching vocals.

The same again for Non Ce N’est Pas Un Rêve, a French language version of Samantha Jones' Don’t Come Any Closer in 1965, also produced by Charles Blackwell. Samantha Jones was recording excellent material, just not scoring the hits of rival British girl singers. I'm beginning to feel sorry for Samantha Jones on this, but she was no singer of the calibre of Dusty Springfield or Lulu, veering between girly whispering and alarming belting – sheer amateur hour. That explains why good material well produced failed to score the hits that fans of Jones think she merited. Françoise Hardy gets it spot on, delivering a vocal that more than matches the quality production. These songs are an incredible combination of US girl group, British Invasion pop, strong melodies, dramatic soul-pop orchestration and vocal, and vivacious vocal backing. We are talking Walker Brothers / Righteous Brothers-levels of overwrought power and grandiose production. That Françoise doesn't have anything like the same power of voice probably stands her in good stead, tempering things down just short of the overblown. It's a masterclass, combining both wistful, forlorn and beguiling husky low tones in the verses before the vocal breaks out with the orchestral crescendos, all to an impressive vocal and orchestral backdrop. So, even without the history of The Vernons [sic] Girls, I think I would be perfectly justified in scoring perfect “10's” all round here.

That's more than enough words from me (although I would be most willing, and very able, to go on), let's get to the music.

Guide to Ratings

10 is of a quality that all music fans will recognize as of the highest standard of excellence - 9 are songs that non-fans can appreciate as just good music – 8 are songs that non-fans can listen to and appreciate according to taste – 7 is fine, just unlikely to spark much interest in non-fans – 6 is OK, for the fans' interest only – 5 is lacking in some way, early sounds or musical misconceptions.

10 essential quality, stellar, classic, just good music with claims to greatness.

9 hugely impressive, high quality music.

8 Very good, which Françoise fans will love, offering something to non-fans.

7 Fair to Good – songs whose qualities are best appreciated by fans

6 Decent to Modest, of no interest to non-fans, and even just passing interest to fans.

5 Well below average for Françoise, maybe poor or inappropriate arrangements and stylings or just a poor song.

As a simple rule of thumb, songs rated from 10-8 can be appreciated by all music lovers. 10 is all about the music and nothing to do with the icon. 9 is music bound up with a certain trademark style. I wouldn't play any song below 8 in an attempt to persuade non-fans of the merits of Françoise Hardy's music. Those who love the above will take an interest in the below. Reverse the direction, and people may lose interest.

I counted over one hundred tracks with a "10" rating. That indicates a career of some weight. There are too few 10's in the early years, and too many in the later years, so I may need to recalibrate a little. That said, I am of the view that Françoise Hardy got better as an artist as the years passed (counting the eighties as a dip with good moments). There are eighty five tracks with a "9" rating. That's 185 tracks, with English, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portugese tracks to come. It's simple: Françoise Hardy is good. In all truth, I need to go through this list again and reduce some of the 10's to 9's and some of the 9's to 8's, in order flatter my pretensions of academic neutrality, and bring evaluation back in line with the above table. I should attempt to thin the material out for a more selective list. Or maybe I shall just remain an honest judge and accept the obvious conclusion that Françoise Hardy is a remarkable artist. The facts bear it out.

Song Title Length Writer/s Rating


Tous Les Garcons et Les Filles

Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles 3-06 - Hardy/Samyn - 8

Ça A Rate 1-58 - Hardy/Samyn - 5

La Fille Avec Toi 2-38 - Hardy/Samyn - 7

Oh Oh Cheri 2-16 - Jean and Jil Tramel - 3

Le Temps De l'Amour 2-26 - Salvet/Dutronc/Morisse - 10

Il Est Tout Pour Moi 1-56 - Hardy/Samyn - 5

On Se Plait 2-04 - Hardy/Samyn - 6

Ton Meilleur Ami 2-10 - Hardy/Samyn - 8

J'ai Jete Mon Coeur 2-32 - Hardy/Samyn - 7

Il Est Parti Un Jour 1-46 - Hardy/Samyn - 6

J'suis D'accord 2-00 - Hardy/Samyn - 5

C'est A L'amour Auquel Je Pense 3-10 - Hardy/Samyn - 8

On Dit Tant De Mots (Live) 1-32 - Hardy - 6

Les Bras En Croix 1-54 - Hallyday - 8

Ton Regard Est Triste 0-45 - Hardy - 6


Le Premier Bonheur du Jour

Le Premier Bonheur Du Jour 1-54 Renard/Gerald 10

Va Pas Prendre Un Tambour 2-46 Vidalin/Dutronc 6

Saurai-Je? 2-00 Hardy 9

Toi Je Ne T'oublierai Pas 2-26 Boutayre/Salvet/Carrere 7

Avant De T'en Aller 1-56 Hardy/Anka 7

Une Fille Comme Tant D'autres 2-30 Hardy 9

J'aurais Voulu 2-12 Hardy 9

Nous Tous 1-42 Hardy 5

L'amour D'un Garcon 2-06 Hardy/Bachrach/David 5

Le Sais-Tu 1-42 Hardy 9

L'amour Ne Dure Pas Toujours 2-26 Hardy 8

On Dit De Lui 2-46 Hardy/Christopher/

Tomkin/Sterling 7

L'amour S'en Va 2-24 Hardy 7

L'amour S'en Va (Live) Eurovision Hardy 6

Je Pense A Lui 2-18 Hardy 5

Bien Longtemps 2-02 Hardy 5

Qui-Aime-T-Il Vraiment 2-10 Hardy/Hooven/Winn 8


Mon Amie La Rose

Je Veux Qu'il Revienne 2-46 Hardy/Well 10

Tu N'as Qu'un Mot Á Dire 2-40 Hardy 6

Tu Ne Dis Rien 2-12 Hardy 7

Et Memê (Vers.1) 2-16 Hardy 8

Pourtant Tu M'aimes 2-28 Hardy/Cole/Cross 9

Pars 2-14 Hardy 6

Je N'Attends Plus Personne 3-10 Hardy/Meccia/Ciacci 9

La Nuit Est Sur La Ville 2-04 Hardy 10

Pas Gentille 2-16 Hardy/Wilde 7

Dans Le Monde Entier 2-26 Hardy 10

Nous Etions Amies 2-36 Hardy 8

Mon Amie La Rose 2-18 Caulier/Lacome 10

Jaloux 2-10 Hardy 6

C'est La Premiere Fois Que J'aime 2-00 Oakman/Beveridge 6

On Se Quitte Toujours 2-20 Salvet/Boutayre 8

Apprends-Le Moi 1-50 Hardy 7

C'est Le Passé 1-50 Hardy/Springfield 7

Et Memê (Vers.2)

Tout Me Ramene A Toi 2-34 Hardy 6

Tu Es Partie 1-50 Hardy 6



Ce Petit Coeur 2-10 Hardy 10

Il Se Fait Tard 1-40 Hardy 9

Tout Ce Qu'on Dit 2-10 Hardy/Brown 8

L'Amitie 2-22 Bourgeois/Riviere 10

En t'Attendant 1-44 Hardy 7

Je t'Aime 2-00 Hardy/Jones 8

Non Ce N'est Pas Un Reve 3-00 Hardy 10

Quel Mal Y A-T-Il A Ça 2-36 Hardy/Howard 8

Tu Peux Bien 1-50 Hardy 10

Le Temps Des Souvenirs 2-30 Datin/Vidalin/Blackwell 10

Je Pensais 2-06 Hardy 6

Dis-Lui Non 2-36 Hardy/Skelton 8

Quand Un Bateau Passe 2-34 Francois/Buggy/Bacharach 7

J'ai Bien Du Chagrin 3-00 Hardy 7

Bout Du Lune 1-46 Hardy 6

Tu Ne M'attendras Pas 2-56 Hardy 6

Les Feuilles Mortes 2-50 Prevert/Cosma 6

La Mer 2-10 Trenet 5

Tu Es Venu A Moi 2-14 Hardy 5

Son Amour S'est Endormi 2-40 Hardy/Moesser 5


La Maison Où J'ai Grandi

Je Changerais D'avis 2-50 Hardy/Morricone/Lazman 10

Si C'Est Ca 2-06 Hardy 9

Rendez Vous d'Automne 2-40 Bourgeois/Riviere 10

Je Serai La Pour Toi 2-20 Hardy 10

Peut Etre Que Je T'Aime 2-16 Hardy 9

Il Est Des Choses 2-30 Hardy/Sabata/Vianello 10

Comme 1-56 Hardy 10

Mes Joues S'En Vent 2-28 Hardy 7

Qu'ils Sont Heureux 2-20 Marnay/Popp 9

Surtout Ne Vous Retournez Pas 2-22 Hardy 6

Tu Es Un Peu A Moi 2-14 Hardy 7

La Maison Où J'ai Grandi 3-36 Marnay/Barretta/Celentano 10

Je Ne Suis Là Pour Personne 3-00 Hardy 9

Tu Verras 2-36 Bontempelli 7

Douce Violence 2-14 Hallyday 8


Ma Jeunesse Fout le Camp

Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp 3-06 Bontempelli 10

Viens-Lâ 2-26 Hardy 7

Mon Amour Adieu 2-20 Hardy/Massell 7

La Fin De L'été 2-36 Bourgeois/Riviere 10

En Vous Aimant Bien 2-16 Hardy 8

Qui Peut Dire? 2-06 Hardy 10

Des Ronds Dans l'Eau 2-26 Barouh/LeSenechal 9

Il N'y A Pas D'amour Heureux 2-20 Aragon/Brassens 8

Il Est Trop Loin 3-40 Horho/Gerard 9

Mais Il Y A Des Soirs 2-10 Hardy 9

Voila 3-20 Hardy 10

C'était Charmant 1-56 Hardy 8

Les Petits Garçons 2-52 Hardy 7

Au Fond Du Reve Dore 2-00 Hardy 9

Il Y A Deux Filles En Moi (wth S Vartan) 2-20 Vartan 7

Laisse-Le Moi 1-50 Hardy 8

Le Plus Difficile (J.Dutronc&FH) (Live) 3-56 Dutronc 7

Vous 2-00 Guy Béart 7


Comment Te Dire Adieu?

Comment Te Dire Adieu 2-20 Gainsbourg/Gold/Goldman 10

Oú Va La Chance 3-12 Ochs/Marnay 9

L'anamour 2-16 Gainsbourg 10

Suzanne 3-10 Cohen/Allright 8

Il N'y A Pas D'amour Heureux Vers 2 2-20 Aragon/Brassens 10

La Mésange 2-16 Jobim/Buarque 10

Parlez-Moi De Lui 2-40 Dieval/Stillman 10

A Quoi Ca Sert 3-32 Hardy 8

Il Vaut Mieux Une Petite Maison... 2-30 Bourgeois/Riviere 8

La Rue Des Coeurs Perdus 2-10 Baker/Knight 6

Etonnez-Moi, Benoit.. . 3-02 Modiano/Courson 6

La Mer, Les Étoiles Et Le Vent 1-52 Hardy 9

La Terre 2-32 Hardy 9

Je Ne Sais Pas Ce Que Je Veux 3-06 Spyropoulos/Singer/

Campbell/Lyons 10

J'ai Fait De Lui Un Reve 3-16 Hardy 8

Ouvert Ou Fermes 1-52 Hardy 9

Ok Bilboquet Nougaro 7

J'ai le Coeur Vide Aujourd'hui 2-26 10

(Empty Sunday)

En Anglais

Loving You 2-12 Leiber/Stoller 8

Hang On To A Dream 2-14 Hardin 7

Will You Love Me Tomorrow 2-36 Goffin/King 7

Lonesome Town 2-08 Baker/Knight 6

Who'll Be The Next In Line 2-16 Davis 6

Never Learn To Cry 2-40 Napier-Bell/Wickham 8

There But For Fortune 3-04 Ochs 8

That'll Be The Day 2-20 Holly/Petty/Allison 6

The Way Of Love 2-36 Dieval/Stillman 7

Tiny Goddess 3-06 Spyropoulos/Singer/

Campbell/Lyons 9

Let It Be Me 2-46 Becaud/Curtis/Delanoe 6

Empty Sunday 2-28 Napier-Bell/Wickham 8

Now You Want To Be Loved 2-22 Le Senechal/Miller 8

Tell Them You're Mine 1-51 Hardy / Miller 6



Träume 2-42 Bottcher/Weyrich 10

Au Fil Des Nuits Et Des Journees 2-00 Hardy 10

J'ai Coupe Le Telephone 2-00 Hardy 9

Il Voyage 2-14 Hardy 8

L'Heure Bleue 1-50 Hardy 8

Avec Des Si 3-10 Hardy 10

Les Doigts Dans La Porte 1-48 Marnay/ Silber 8

C'est Lui Qui Dort 2-20 Hardy 8

Des Bottes Rouges De Russie 2-44 Popp / Rivat / Thomas 7

Assiette Niet 2-34 Dupré/ Mireille 7

Les Glaces 2-32 Gil/ Estardy 8

A Cloche-Pieds Sur La Grande Muraille De Chine 2-48 Modiano, Macaulay 9

Les Jeux Interdits (Deutsch) 2-22 Yepes 7

Des Yeux D'enfant 1-46 Hardy 6


Die roten Russenstiefel" (Des bottes rouges de Russie) 2-40 Popp 7

Bald ist so lange her" (Soon Is Slipping Away) 2-46 Macaulay 9

Er muß reisen" (Il voyage) 2-10 Hardy 7

Fremde Schatten" (Strange Shadows) 2-08 Brown 8

Das tut weh" (Les Doigts dans la porte) 1-48 Colpet 8

Souvenirs der ersten großen Liebe 2-40 Munro 9

Träume 3-06 Weyrich 10

Einmal, wenn du gehst 2-10 Jurgens 9

Zeig mir bei Nacht die Sterne" (Je t'appartiens) 2-40 Becaud 8

Was mach' ich ohne dich" (Comment Te Dire Adieu) 2-04 Goland 8

Wie im Kreis" (All Because of You) 2-26 English 10

Höre auf den Nachtwind" (Song of Winter) 2-54 Brown 10



Point 2-46 Hardy 10

San Salvador 2-16 Modiano/Courson 8

Fleur De Lune 3-02 Hardy/Jones/Brown 10

Effeuille-Moi Le Coeur 2-04 Rech/Ilous 10

Un Petit Sourire, Un Petit Mot 2-50 Hardy 8

Le Crabe 2-46 Roda-Gil/Estardy 9

Mon Monde N'est Pas Vrai 2-46 Hardy/Napier-Bell/Wickham 7

Tu Ressembles À Tous Ceux... 2-00 Hardy 10

L'Ombre 2-10 Jones/Brown/Delanoe 9

Soleil 3-40 Hardy/Howard/Alpert 9

Je Fais Des Puzzles 2-50 Jones/Brown/Courson 9

Dame Souris Trotte 1-36 Modiano/Courson 8

One Nine Seven Zero

Song Of Winter 3-00 Jones/Brown 10

Magic Horse 3-00 Jones/Brown 8

Strange Shadows 2-00 Jones/Brown 8

All Because Of You 2-30 Barkan/English 10

Suzanne (Engl) 3-20 Cohen 7

Soon Is Slipping Away 2-50 Macaulay 8

Sunshine 3-40 Howard/Alpert 7

I Just Want To Be Alone 2-02 Tubbs/Hardy 7

Times Passing By 2-04 Tubbs/Hardy 8

Midnight Blues 1-50 Tubbs/Hardy 7

In The Sky 2-08 Tubbs/Hardy 7

Why Even Try 3-30 Clayre/Hardy 6

The Bells Of Avignon 2-48 MacAulay 8


La Question

Viens 2-22 Tuca/Bilat 10

La Question 3-00 Hardy/Tuca 10

Meme Sous La Pluie 2-00 Tuca/Pac 10

Chanson D´O 3-14 Tuca/Gerald 10

Le Martien 2-44 Tuca/Gerald 10

Mer 2-04 Hardy/Tuca 10

Oui Je Dis Adieu 4-02 Hardy/Tuca 10

Doigts 1-26 Hardy 10

La Maison 2-52 Tuca 10

Si Mi Caballero 3-00 Tuca/Gerald 10

Bati Mon Nid 2-54 Tuca/Gerald 10

Rêve 3-00 Hardy/Taiguara 10

T'es Pas Poli 2-00 Dewaere 8

If You Listen

If You Listen 3-36 Brown/Jones 8

Ocean 3-50 Martin 10

Until It's Time For You To Go 3-00 Sainte-Marie 8

The Garden Of Jane Delawnay 3-36 Boshell 10

Sometimes 3-10 Taylor 8

Let My Name Be Sorrow 3-10 Estardy/Chatelein/Habils 8

Brûlure 3-00 Hardy 8

Can't Get The One I Want 2-50 Martin 8

I Think It's Gonna Rain Today 2-42 Newman 8

Take My Hand For A While 3-02 Sainte-Marie 9

Bown Bown Bown 3-52 Brown/Jones 10

Till The Morning Comes 1-32 Young 6


Et Si Je M'En Vais Avant Toi

L'éclairage 2-46 Hardy 8

Pardon 2-36 Hardy 9

La Berlue 1-50 Hardy 6

Bruit De Fond 2-42 Hardy 10

Le Soir 2-20 Hardy 10

Cafard 2-46 Hardy/Dutronc 10

Ou Est Il? 3-40 Hardy 7

Prisons 2-40 Hardy 6

Quand Mon Amour Va Prendre L'air 2-30 Hardy 6

Ma Vie Intérieure 2-22 Hardy 6

Bowm Bowm Bowm 3-52 Hardy/Brown/Jones 10

Et Si Je Ma'en Vais Avant Toi 3-00 Hardy 10

Nuit d'Ete 2-42 Chatelain/Rivière/Hardy 7

Poisson 2-32 Blanchard 7

Les Fourmis 3-02 8

Les Fourmis was recorded some time between 1969 and 1972. It sounds like the sound of 1972 to me.


Message Personnel

Premiére Rencontre 2-50 Berger 10

Rêver Le Nez En L'air 2-46 Hardy/Povret/Dupre 8

L'amour En Privé 2-30 Vannier/Gainsbourg 9

Berceuse 2-42 Moustaki/deMoraes 9

Pouce Au Revoir 3-22 Hardy 8

L'attente 2-16 Hardy 10

La Bataille

On Dirait 2-50 Hardy 10

L'Habitude 2-10 Hardy/Moustaki 10

Chanson Floue 2-36 Matioszek/Ravesco 10

Message Personnel 4-14 Hardy/Berger 10

Demain C'était Hier 2-56 Hardy/Berger 8

Je Suis Moi 4-30 Berger 9

Message Personnel (English) 4-14 Hardy/Berger 10

Wenn Wilde Schwäne Fliehn 2-52 Holm 10

Kind Unsrer Zeit 3-46 Pietsch/Holm 8



Ce Soir 3-26 Hardy/Castelan 9

Merveilleux 1-50 Hardy/Kawesyski 8

Et Voilà 2-16 Hardy/Castellan 10

Je N'aime Pas Ce Qu'il Dit 3-46 Hardy/Castelan 8

Chanson Noire 2-06 Hardy/deCourson 9

Je Te Cherche (Peu-Étre) 3-00 Hardy/Georget 8

S'il Avait Été 2-40 Hardy/Lara 9

Bonjour, Bonsoir 3-12 Hardy/Sivy 10

Il Y A Eu Des Nuits 1-56 Hardy/Lara 9

Fin D'aprés-Midi 2-30 Hardy/Dutronc 10

Les Petits Papiers (with Jane Birkin) 2-10 Gainsbourg 8


Que Vas-Tu Faire? 3-54 Hardy/Jarre 9

Le Compte  Rebours 3-32 Jarre 7

Le Renard A L'anneau d'Or 2-26 Moustaki / Boubline 10


Femme Parmi Les Femmes 3-30 Barouh/Lai 10

Tu T'amuses 3-06 Sedefian/Rambault 7

Comment Lui Dire Adieu (FH&J.Birkin) 4-28 Gainsbourg 9

Au moins pour quelqu'un 3-52 Michel Berger 10

Je rêve de quelqu'un de simple 3-22 Michel Berger 9



Star 7-36 Hardy/Ian 10

Chanson Sur Toi Et Nous 4-16 Hardy/Yared 10

Enregistrement 2-56 Gainsbourg 8

A Vannes 3-12 Piamondon 9

Flashbacks 3-46 Piamondon/Vincent 7

L'Impasse 2-36 Hardy/Papadlamandis 10

Ton Enfance 2-28 Gross/Goldman 9

Je Ne Suis Que Moi 2-32 Hardy/Lara 10

Drôle De Fête 3-12 Hardy/Sheller 8

Fatiguee 2-20 Hardy/Yared 9


Jècoute De La Musique Saoule

Jècoute De La Musique Saoule 4-10 Jonasz/Yared 7

Hallucinogene 2-52 Jonasz 10

Occupé 3-04 Jonasz 8

Brouillard Dans La Rue Corvisart 3-10 Jonasz/Yared 9

Tu M'vois Plus Tu M'sens Plus 2-46 Jonasz 9

Nous Deux Nous Deux Et Rien D'autre 3-40 Jonasz 8

Swing Au Pressing 2-36 Jonasz 5

Perdu D'avance 2-30 Hardy/Yared 8

Tip Tap T'endents Tu Mes Pas 3-10 Jonasz 5

Si Je Le Retrouve Un Jour 2-12 Jonasz 10

Beau Boeing Belle Caravelle 3-40 Jonasz 5


Chanson De La Sorcière 4-12 Hardy 10


Gin Tonic

Jazzy Retro Satanas 2-50 Ilous/Yared 4

Branche Cassée 3-10 Vannier 9

Ame S'trame Drame 2-30 Goldstein 6

Si C'est Vraiment Vraiment Vrai 3-24 Jonasz 9

Bosse Bossez Bossa 3-38 Jonasz/Yared 6

Gin Tonic 2-00 Hardy/Yared 6

Juke-Box 3-26 Jonasz/Yared 5

Seule Comme Une Pomme 3-00 Goldstein 10

Chanson Ouverte 2-22 Goldstein/Yared 8

Minuit Minuit 2-50 Jonasz/Yared 5

Que Tu M'enterres 4-04 Jonasz/Yared 10

Et Si Je M'en Vais Avant Toi (Duo E.Daho) 4-10 Hardy 8


A Suivre

Ça Va Comme Ça 2-56 Hardy/Groscolas 7

Voyou Voyou 4-06 Hardy/Chedid 8

Ça M'suffit 3-46 Hardy/Bernholc 9

Sentimentale 3-36 Vannier 4

Plus Personne 2-50 Hardy/Perreau 8

Reve De Starlette 2-40 Mairesse/Yared 9

L'Amour C'est Trop Fort 3-20 Vannier 9

Villegiature 3-50 Roda-Gil/Boutayre 10

Vert Ouvert 3-00 Hardy/Yared 8

Coupure De Courant 2-54 Hardy/Groscolas 7

Tamalou 3-52 Hardy/Groscolas 6

A Suivre 2-04 Hardy 8

Tamalou (FH & Sheila) (Live)


Quelqu'un Qui S'en Va

Tirez Pas Sur L'ambulance 3-42 Courdray/Yared 8

Quelqu'un Qui S'en Va 2-52 Courdray/Yared 9

Un Deux Trois Chat 3-22 Hardy/Courdray/Yared 9

Retour De Nuit 3-54 Hardy/Courdray/Yared 8

L'Auréole Neon 2-02 Hardy/Fugain 6

Mazurka 5-06 Courdray/Yared 10

Tabou 2-24 Fugain 5

C'est Bien Moi 2-22 Souchon 9

Ces Petits Riens 2-14 Gainsbourg 10

En Scope Et Stereo 3-40 Hardy/Perreau 8


Comme une valse (paru en 1993) 3-42 Hardy/Yared 8


Casse Pas Toute Ma Maison 3-36 Hardy/Chedid 7

Moi Vouloir Toi 3-46 Hardy/Chedid 8

Moi Vouloir Toi (V.1) 3-46 Hardy/Chedid 8


Jamais Synchrones 4-16 Hardy/Chaleat 7

V.I.P. 3-38 Hardy/Chaleat 7

Voyageurs De La Nuit 4-12 Burah/Michel Bernholc 8



La Sieste 4-00 Hardy/Chaleat 9

Une Miss S'immisce 4-16 Hardy/Chaleat 5

Laisse-Moi Réver 4-10 Hardy/Daho 9

Vibrations 4-02 Hardy/Conning 6

Decalages 5-22 Hardy/Holroyd 7

Partir Quand Meme 4-04 Hardy/Dutronc 10

Dilettante 4-10 Hardy/Chaleat 4

Dire Tout 3-22 Hardy/Mader/Double 5

Arretons 3-16 Hardy/Tobo 7

Je Suis De Trop Ici 3-54 Hardy/Chaleat 10

Partir Quand Même [Long Version] Hardy/Dutronc

Avec Toute Ma Sympathie 3-26 Hardy/Chaleat 6

La Vraie Vie C'Est Ou? 2-28 5


En Résumé... En Conclusion 3-52 Hardy 9

Fais-Moi Une Place 2-54 Hardy/Clerc 10

Il Voyage (89) 3-44 Hardy 7

Je Ne Suis La Pour Personne (89) 3-20 Hardy 7

Les Petits Garcons 1989 4-06 Hardy 7

Fais Moi Une Place (FH & J.Clerc) 2-44 Hardy/Clerc 10

Mon Ange (Julien Clerc & FH) Hardy/Clerc

Mon Ange (Live) (Julien Clerc & FH) Hardy/Clerc


Solitudes des latitudes 4-46 Hardy / Patrick Juvet 9


Profil 3-54 Hardy/Lubrano 9

Si Ça Fait Mal... Solo 4-14 Hardy/Lubrano 10

Si Ça Fait Mal...Duo 4-04 Hardy/Lubrano 10


La Comédie (with Blur) 3-40 Hardy/Albarn/Coxon/

Rowntree/James 10

Revenge Of The Flowers(Vers.1) 4-10 Hardy/McLaren/Gorman/Malaga 9

Revenge Of The Flowers(Vers.2) 4-02 Hardy/McLaren/Gorman/Malaga 8


Le Danger

Mode d'Emploi 3-50 Hardy/Lubrano 9

Les Madeleines 4-00 Hardy/Lubrano 8

La Beauté Du Diable 3-52 Hardy/Burger 9

L'Obscur Objet 3-52 Hardy/Lubrano 8

Un Peu D'eau 4-36 Hardy/Chaleat 10

Zero Partou 4-10 Hardy/Lubrano 7

Le Danger 3-52 Hardy/Lubrano 10

Dix Heures En Ete 4-04 Hardy/Burger 10

Tout Va Bien 4-02 Hardy/Lubrano 6

Contre-Jour 3-40 Hardy/Burger 7

Ici Ou La? 4-10 Hardy/Lubranno 6

A Sa Merci 3-50 Hardy/Lubrano 10

Regarde-Toi 1-56 Hardy/Chaleat 10

Un Peu D'eau Vers.2 4-36 Hardy/Chaleat 10


Jeanne (with Air) 4-04 Hardy/Godin/Dunkel 10



Puisque Vous Partez En Voyage 3-46 Mireille/Nohain 9

Tous Mes Souvenirs Me Tuent 3-52 Hardy/Reinhardt/Grappelli 8

Celui Que Tu Veux 3-40 Ngog/Balmayer 9

Clair-Obscur 4-20 Hardy/Chahine 10

Un Homme Est Mort 3-16 Hardy/Cano 7

Duck's Blues 4-24 Hardy/Lubrano 9

I'll Be Seeing You 4-06 Fain/Kahal 9

Tu Ressembles A Tous Ceux.. 2-00 Hardy 7

La Pleine Lune 3-30 Hardy/Lubrano 9

So Sad 3-34 Everly 7

La Saison Des Pluies 3-56 Hardy/Rose 10

Contre Vents Et Marées 3-24 Hardy/Clapton 9

La Vérité Des Choses 4-24 Hardy/Lubrano 10

La Fou de la Reine 3-14 Hardy/Salvador 8

Solitude Des Latitudes 4-46 Manset 10


Chère Amie (Toutes Mes Excuses) 3-20 10

(duet avec M.Lavoine)


Surannée (with Jane Birkin) 2-34 Biolay/Keren Ann Zeidel 8


Tant de Belles Choses

Tant De Belles Choses version 1 4-02 Hardy/Daniel/Lubrano 9

A l'Ombre De La Lune 3-40 Biolay 10

Jardinier Benevole 4-02 Hardy/Lubrano 8

Moments 3-32 Blake 8

Soir De Gala 2-46 Hardy/Stremmler 9

Sur Quel Volcan 3-10 Daniel 9

So Many Things 3-30 Blake 10

Grand Hotel 3-14 Hardy/Stremmler 9

La Folie Ordinaire 2-32 Hardy/Christophers 10

Un Air De Guitare 4-00 Hardy/Jacno 10

Tard Dans La Nuit 3-28 Hardy/Lubrano/Daniel 7

Cote Jardin, Cote Cour 4-10 Hardy/Lubrano 10

Adieu Tristesse Amour 3-36 Hardy/Biolay 7

Tant De Belles Choses version 2 Hardy/Daniel/Lubrano 9



Que Reste-t-il De Nos Amours? 4-18 Charles Trenet 9

Modern Style 3-33 Jean Bart 8

Amour, Toujours, Tendresse, Caresses 2-58 Dutronc/Lanzmann 8

Partir Quand Même… 3-58 Dutronc/Hardy 10

My Beautiful Demon 5-10 Ben Christophers 10

Soleil 3-44 Alpert/ Hardy 7

Cet Enfant Que Je T'avais Fait 3-38 Higelin/ Brigitte Fontaine 9

Le Fou De La Reine 4-00 Henri Salvador/Hardy 8

Les Sédiments… 3-38 Alain Lubrano 9

La Rue Du Babouin 3-12 Michel Fugain/ Hardy 9

La Valse Des Regrets 1-58 Brahms/lyrics by L Poterat 10

(Valse N°15 En La Bémol, OP.39, Transposée En Mi Bémol)

Des Lendemains Qui Chantent 4-04 Benjamin Biolay 9

Requiem for a Jerk 3-00 Gainsbourg 8


La Pluie sans Parapluie

Noir Sur Blanc 3-32 Gioacchino/ Hardy/ Loiseau 10

Mieux Le Connaître 2-30 Stremler/ Hardy 9

Champ D'Honneur 3-04 Lubrano/ Hardy 8

La Pluie Sans Parapluie 4-33 Fouxi, Hardy 10

Les Pas 3-22 Lubrano/ Hardy 7

Le Temps De L'Innocence 3-24 Lubrano/ Hardy 6

Je Ne Vous Aime Pas 3-18 Lubrano/ Hardy 10

Esquives 2-50 Christophers/ Hardy 8

Mister 3-36 La Grande Sophie 9

Memory Divine 3-32 JL Murat Bergheaud 7

Un Cœur Eclaté 3-42 Daniel/ Hardy 8

L'Autre Côté Du Ciel 3-02 Daniel/ Hardy 6

Les Mots S'Envolent 3-14 Arthur H 9


L'Amour Fou

L'Amour Fou 2-30 Stremler/ Hardy 9

Les Fous de Bassan 3-48 Colomb/ Hardy 7

Mal au cœur 3-10 Hardy 10

Si vous n'avez rien à me dire… 3-44 Pierre/ Hugo 10

Normandia 4-56 Doré 10

Piano-bar 3-30 Lanty / Hardy 9

Pourquoi vous? 3-32 Calogero / Hardy 10

Soie et fourrures 3-34 Stremler/ Hardy 9

L'Enfer et le Paradis 4-06 Carré/ Hardy 8

Rendez-vous dans une autre vie 3-52 Maurin/ Hardy 7


True Love Ways 2-52 Buddy Holly / Norman Petty 9


Personne d'Autre

À Cache-Cache 3-32 Erick Benzi/Françoise Hardy 8

Dors mon ange (Sleep) 4-06 Saaresto, Kaarlonen,

Tukiainen / Hardy 10

Personne d’Autre 3-02 Daniel / Hardy 9

Un seul geste 3-24 Benzi / Hardy 10

You’re My Home 3-24 Naim / Donatien 8

Seras-tu là? 3-10 Berger 10

Quel dommage 3-20 Maissiat/ Hardy 9

Train spécial 4-10 Benzi/ Hardy 8

Brumes 3-04 Benzi/ Hardy 8

Trois Petits Tours 3-12 Stremler / Hardy 8

Le Large 3-46 La Grande Sophie 9

Un mal qui fait du bien 1-34 Stremler/ Hardy 10

In English

All Over The World 10

Another Place 9

Autumn Rendezvous 10

Catch A Falling Star 6

Find Me A Boy 6

However Much 6

I Will Change My Life 8

I Wish It Were Me 8

It's Getting Late 7

It's My Heart 8

Just Call And I'll Be There 7

Oh Why 6

Only Friends 8

Only You Can Do It 7

So Many Friends 9

Say It Now 7

The Rose 9

This Little Heart 8

You Just Have To Say The Word 6

Hello Paris (FH & P.Clark & S.Vartan Live)

Hardy-Dutronc Dutry-Hardonc


Early Sixties

Ci Sono Cose Piu Grandi (Il Est Des Choses) 10

Ci Sto (Je suis d'accord) 5

E' all'amore che penso (C'est a l'amour auquel je pense) 8

I Sentimenti (Et Meme) 6

Il Saluto Del Mattino (Le Premier Bonheur du Jour) 10

Il Tuo Migliore Amico (Ton meilleur ami) 7

L'Amore Va (L'Amour S'En Va) 8

La Notte sulla Città (La Nuit sur la Ville) 10

La Tua Mano 10

L'eta Dell Amore (Le temps de l'amour) 10

Nel mondo intero (Dans le monde entier) 10

Non Svegliarmi Mai (Ce N'est Pas un Reve) 8

Parlami Di Te 10

Parlami Di Te (Live San Remo Festival) 10

Per Tanto Tempo (Bien Longtemps) 8

Quelli Della Mia Eta (Tous les Garcons et les Filles) 10

Una Ragazza Come Le Altre (Comme Tant d'Autres) 7

Vorrei capirti - (Saurai je) 8

Vorrei Essere Lei (J'aurais voulu) 8


Later Sixties and Early Seventies

Lungo Il Mare 9

C'e La Fortuna (Ou Va La Chance) 9

Devi Ritornare (Je veux qu'il revienne) 8

Stivali Di Vernice Blu (Des Bottes Rouges De Russie) 7

El Teléfono Corté (J'ai coupé le Telephone) 8

Gli Altri (Voila) 10

Il Granchio (Le crabe) 9

Il male d'amore (A quoi ça sert) 10

Il mare, le stelle, il vento (La mer, les étoiles et le vent) 10

Il Pretesto (Comment te Dire Adieu) 10

Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck (La Maison Ou J'Ai Grandi) 10

Io conosco la vita (La fin de l'été) 10

La bilancia dell'amore (Tiny goddess) 10

L'ora blu (L'heure bleue) 9

Se E Ma (Avec Des Si) 10

Sole ti amo (Soleil) 10

Sol (Spanish) 10

Bown Bown Bown (Portugese) 4-06 Hardy/Brown/Jones 10

In German

Dann Bist Du Verliebt 10

Das Tut Weh

Die Liebe Geht (L'Amour S'En Va) 7

Die Roten Russenstiefel (Des Bottes Rouges De Russie) 7

Ein Fenster Wird Hell (Dans le Monde Entier) 10

Einmal, Wenn Du Gehst 9

Er Muss Reisen (Il Voyage) 8

Er War Wie Du 7

Frag' Den Abendwind (Ask the Evening Wind) 8

Fremde Schatten (Strange Shadows) 8

Höre Auf Den Nachtwind (Song of Winter) 9

Ich Bin Nun Mal Ein Mädchen (Pourtant Tu M'aimes 8

Ich Hab Das Glück (J'Aurais Voulu) 8

Ich Sag Ja (Je Suis d'Accord) 6

Ich Steige Dir Auf's Dach 7

Peter Und Lou 6

Was Mach' Ich Ohne Dich (Comment Te Dire Adieu) 8

Wenn Dieses Lied Erklingt 8

Souvenirs Der Ersten Grossen Liebe 8

Wenn Wilde Schwäne Fliehn 1973 2-52 Holm 10

Kind Unsrer Zeit 1973 3-46 Pietsch/Holm 8

Wer Du Bist 6

Wie Im Kreis (All Because of You) 10

Zeig' Mir Bei Nacht Die Sterne (Let it be Me) 8

Vera Cruz (Gedicht Von Audibert) (? Heard of it, can find no trace of it)

Unplaced French Recordings

Ça N'regarde Que Moi

J'ai Rêvé

L'amant (Gelesen Aus M.Duras Buch)

L'important C'est La Rose (G.Becaud & FH Live) (TV appearance, I have seen it, I love it, I can't find it)

Noël Ensemble (brief appearance)

Petit Java (FH & Mireille)

Quand Tu Viendras

Quelqu'un Qui M'ressemble

Sa Raisison D'etre

Tommy & Co. (E.Daho Mit F.H. Im Chor)

Tu Aimes Les Garçons

Une Chanson D'amour En Anglais

War In France

Some of my CDs. I have an extensive vinyl collection, LPs, EPs, singles.

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